Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Encountered another female human.
FH: Did you go to the back? Any bears?
M: No! Have you ever seen a bear?
FH: My brother did! I kept telling myself to quit worrying about it, because that just attracts stuff.
M: I went in the woods a ways and I decided I had to go back, because it got to the point I wasn't enjoying myself.
FH: I need to be like you. I don't need to go to the back tonight. I'm just enjoying this walk here. And it's going to get dark soon.
M: Yes, it gets dark early because of the time change.
FH: What time is it now? Oh. Yeah, I need to go back. Well, thank you.
M: Have fun!
FH: Thanks! I need to meet a bear like I need a hole in my head, right?
Attracted another person with similar worries.

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