Saturday, January 30, 2010

Say what you will

about enjoyment of food, delicious dishes from varying cultures, etc. For example Ethiopian places are known for their wonderful vegetarian cuisine (at least, to my formerly vegetarian self...although I was probably always was more pescatarian/flexitarian) and I contemplated trying other Ethiopian dishes recently. But when health is put to the test, I think the Raw Family people are really onto something. (Although I think that it may be wise to refrain from storing some foods, like fruits blended with vegetables, lest it turn into something weird.) I think it's good to start with eating simple healthy salads. Hmmm, after reading this, maybe I should get another food dehydrator. And this Why I Say I Am 95% Raw is cool. It nicely sums up what I thought when I read the original book, which I still have, though I respected the information in it.
Huh. Music video???
Other musical video...

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