Saturday, April 11, 2009


In grad school, some friends and I saw Melville's house and stayed in a fine old inn in Salem, but we missed Emily Dickinson's house. We travelled in my friend's big white van which used to transport passengers around O'Hare, and we called it The White Whale. My friends and I returned and two of us got to see Dickenson's house, and the driver saw a little bit but didn't feel well and had to stay in the car. The first time, when we missed it, we stayed at a B & B across the street and could see it the whole time. We went in the middle of winter, and with great enthusiasm, we explored all the other empty rooms, which were open and themed in a Victorian style. In Salem, everyone spoke of one particular witch, who owned the witchiest shop, with great admiration, but I don't remember her name. It may be this.

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