Tuesday, April 28, 2009

my little poetry info moment

My friend is longtime friends (and once dated) a guy who hosted Mark Doty. He and his boyfriend were taken to some hot springs in Alaska. My aunt, who lives in Alaska, said she shouldn't date someone from Talkeetna. He's not from Talkeetna, originally. But...blah blah blah. He's going to teach in the Middle East. Ya da ya da ya. I don't know what the point of this information is. It just came out while I happened to be sitting in front of the computer. Oh, here's another piece of info. I went to the library and read a new Margaret Atwood book. It had a poems in it about some guy lusting after a young woman and hating being old. Isn't that depressing. And rather shallow, too. I thought about my old students, who told me that they got sick of their Shakespeare prof always talking about the sex in the plays all. the. time. Anyways, then I just checked out this poetry book. It's by a very mature man. It's about gardening. The Wild Braid. Haven't read it yet. When I went to Peru, I wore braids in my passport photo. I was nineteen when it was taken. The customs guy made a big deal about it. Trenzas. Que bonita. That is expired now. I have to get a new passport.

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