Sunday, April 12, 2009

Biluminous Nights

Sigh. I can't find anything with that title on the internet. Disappointing. We read it in upstate New York. My mother told her boyfriend that she was reading a good book about biluminous nights, and told us that he was under the impression it was something scientific, and then she showed him our library book. It had many female characters. Lots of night-time pictures were featured. Maybe it like an ode to a mother and some daughters, who ate spaghetti and drank pineapple juice on biluminous nights. When I think back on it now, it seems vaguely pagan.
Actually, its kind of hard to find anything referencing that word. (Biluminous.) I found this, on the website of a novelist.

1 comment:

Mjm said...

The word is actually bimulous and the book is titled: When the sky is Like Lace by Elinor Horowitz. This is a great picture book that translates well to being told outloud. Bimulous is a made up word.