Thursday, June 05, 2008

Various sides of moi today

Coughing, hacking and consuming (a bit belatedly) Air Armor (Trader Joe's knockoff of Airbourne). Not letting my annoyance about my health insurance take over my brain. Reading various lit/blogger types of things, like this from May 29. Imagining working pithy commentary into stories about the muses of a master of ornate ceramic toilet bowl handles, followed by thoughts tinged with either compassion (the more noble emotion) or pity (which is less noble, but more likely after an indulgence in sarcasm). Enjoying looking at library books on the culinary arts of India and the history of Latin and, perversely, enjoying being sick because of being able to look at those. Thinking, is it possible I went to school to study something that is maybe only about 20% of my personality? Women dervishes (another video I checked out in Illinois.) Perelandra flower essences. E-mailing friend about a book fair...what is this addiction? Recently, I decided I need to get rid of about three quarters of my books. Libraries exist for a reason.

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