Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dreams and categorization

A dream that I had this morning, of a girl running away at the sight of a blue pen I was holding and me saying "It's just a pen!" to her would be a scared-little-girl-running-away dream. It's very different from one that I had on Sunday. Martin Luther King was in my dream. I feel it's safe to say I've never before seen him in any of my dreams. He was a big, round, smiling soul. I said to him, "It is a great honor to shake your hand." I thought he had Jesus energy. He kind of smiled at me very quietly and nicely. Maybe he said thank you. I feel like the communication got more dreamy at this point. "It's a collective thing," he told me. "Oh, is it?" I said. He looked a bit confused, as if we weren't quite communicating, but then I kind of started to agree with him. He said, "Thank you for being willing." And another smile-smile. I almost said something to him about Thoreau, but instead I tried to tell him that my sister lived where he had lived, but he looked confused again. I could tell he was about to go. I didn't want him to go away. The dream ended strangely with me holding onto his thumb. As I was waking up, I heard a certain bird call outside my window. It seemed to be saying "Whose there, whose there..." I kind of wished I could stay in that mystical state, but shortly after I woke up I noticed I was not feeling that way anymore. It would be nice to have more of those kinds of mystical dreams. The bird songs really kind of added that element to it. I don't know if I can identify them. I also heard doves, but they were different from doves. (Who sometimes have also made me feel mystical, in certain settings.)

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