Thursday, June 12, 2008


Dear body--way to catch the worst cold/bronchial ailment right in the middle of a heatwave, just after you've moved into a dusty basement apartment, so that indoors feels like a 19th century drama, and out of doors feels like a horrible tropical fever. I ended up taking some green and lavender capsules of antibiotic in addition to using flower essences. I was a little disappointed that I couldn't just cure it with essences (at least, not very fast). But after I found out that a girl I work with is on her second round of antibiotics and might have pneumonia, I thought, maybe they helped after all. And I was even able to deal with a rowdy night at work yesterday. At one point, I was checking I.D.s since the bouncer had to deal with a recalcitrant patron (are you whipper-snappers born in 1987 really old enough to drink now?) Then the guy came up front and started yelling either at me or his girlfriend (actually I think it was her). The bouncer came back and my boss waved me inside. As the tempers outside escalated, I was surprised to feel, for a brief moment, a few tears coming to my eyes. Cute in a song or story can be less cute in real life, although sometimes these things do make you live in the moment, for better or worse, and naturally there is always a crowd who will enjoy the show. Much of the time I can be entertained easily. However, these kinds of books are really the only thing I can bear to look at when I'm really sick. Anyways, I now have a newfound appreciation of the human respiratory system.

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