Wednesday, February 23, 2005

now in paperback...

Home repair...electrical wiring...alternative remedies...a history of famous seductresses...Barnes and Noble should love me for these impulse buys. Why would someone compulsively buy books, or spend money on expensive $1.99 amaretto truffles, and then (in an effort to curb spending) graduate on to a daily habit of melting a dish of chocolate chips in a stove top pan of boiling water & adding top shelf amaretto?

Maybe its because some people will say things like" I am not a good person" or "I am cruel." Some people think that since they've "come clean" and they've been "honest" about who they "really" are, that is the perfect excuse for them to act in a way that some would deem"cruel." I, however, think that should qualify as a logical fallacy...

"Dry. A memoir." by Augusten Burroughs was the most recent impulse buy. So far, its funny ;-)

Another one that I liked is "May and Amy" by Josceline Dimbleby. But its hardcover so I haven't bought it. Its all about relationships and letters exchanged between the Pre-Raphaelite artist Edward Burne Jones and Dimbleby's ancestors (a mother and a daughter).

In some ways, this has been a nice semester; it affords me some time to read for pleasure.

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