Sunday, July 07, 2024


"A specific example of the failure of EPA to protect children and specifically child farmworkers is found in the case of chlorpyrifos, a previously banned organophosphate insecticide under a federal court ruling, only to be overturned on appeal by the agrichemical and conventional agriculture industry. Beyond Pesticides has long reported on the multitude of twists and turns in EPA’s actions on chlorpyrifos, see background and a timeline of developments here. Chlorpyrifos is a dangerous, proven neurotoxicant that has dire impacts on children, making EPA’s action to allow its continued use a failure of both its protective mission and ethics. Further, it is an environmental justice failure, given that risks of exposure fall disproportionately on low-income African American and Latino families, including farmworker families, who are at the greatest risk of harm."

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