Wednesday, February 21, 2024

This happened when I was in a much smaller body.

"'Menachem, this is a holocaust,' Reagan told Begin.

Yes, an American leader used the H-word in conversation with an Israeli leader. Begin responded with sarcasm, telling the US president that 'I think I know what a holocaust is.' Reagan, however, didn’t budge, insisting on the 'imperative' for a ceasefire in Beirut.

Twenty minutes. That’s all the time it took for Begin to call back and tell the president he had ordered Sharon to stop the bombing. It was over. 'I didn’t know I had that kind of power,' a surprised Reagan told an aide, upon putting down the phone.

Flash forward 42 years and the Israeli assault on Gaza has now gone on for twice as long as the siege of Beirut. In 1982, Reagan was said to have been moved by the image of a single wounded Lebanese child. As of last week, more than 12,300 Palestinian children had been killed in Gaza, and tens of thousands maimed and injured, in just four months."

~ Medhi Hasan

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