Sunday, February 19, 2023

Why so resistant, still?

"Half Moon Bay shooting shows California’s resistance to humanely housing farmworkers" José Vadi Special to CalMatters 

"In the wake of these shootings, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that neither site was permitted to house farmworkers in any capacity, leading to no oversight from any authorities. Twenty-seven farm workers, including families, lived in converted trailers and substandard living conditions. San Mateo County officials 'found no records of housing permits or inspection records for either farm.'”

"California Terra Garden has announced plans to build proper housing with codes and permits by next year – but why must it take a mass shooting to catalyze a farm to humanely house their workers?"

🙏🙏🙏45,560 was a lot back then🙏🙏🙏

"In June 2016, the California Institute for Rural Studies’ farmworker study on the Salinas and Pajaro valleys noted an “additional 45,560 units of farmworker housing are needed to alleviate critical overcrowding,” in addition to permanent housing needs and affordable, permanent, year-round family housing."

~ J. Vadi

"California farmworkers have endured poor living conditions long enough"

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