Tuesday, February 28, 2023

And the reason is...

"Throughout her interview, she held the hand of Patrick Dussault, a human trafficking liaison officer at a family wellness centre in Akwesasne. 

Dussault, a former Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officer, said he helped a few women like Sierra during his law enforcement career — work he carries on today."

~ Camille Kasisi-Monet

"Trafficked woman hopes sharing her story will help girls back home in Akwesasne" | CBC News


"She has decided to help tackle the issue of human trafficking in other ways. 

She wants to work with Dussault, who runs prevention workshops aimed at families, police officers, social workers and at-risk girls that help participants recognize the signs of trafficking.

'I survived this for a reason,' Sierra said. 'I want people to know that it could happen to their sister or daughter.

'If I had known how to show signs, if my mother had known how to decode certain signs or ask questions, I could have been saved from the start.

'I want to give others the opportunity to be free from dangerous situations. It fills me with dignity and pride to know that I've been through this and am coming back to help. Here I am, 20 years later, strong enough to talk about it.'"

~ Camille Kasisi-Monet

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