Thursday, February 23, 2023

God cares, I guess.

"How come some rich husbands eat other people's children when they could be doing better things with this life?" does not make a good sourdough starter.

"The child farmworkers we interviewed were not working on their own families’ farms. They were hired laborers, risking their health and lives to tend the fruits and vegetables that make their way to our dinner tables."

~ Margaret Wurth

"Next labor secretary should protect child farmworkers"

How can any sane, healthy parents aid and excuse either their most misogynistic family members or their male supremacist friends in making life more imbalanced and unhealthy for the descendants, unless someone else's offspring are working and feeding them and perhaps their sexist spouses (if they are married) just as The Patriarchy intended?

(GOD KNOWS AND CARES that other people's children exist, too, I suppose.) 

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