Thursday, December 22, 2022

Food for the Holidays

"That labor of love was delivered, farm to farm, with love, songs, music, presents, and 3,000 traditional tamales, in the fields around Half Moon Bay, where Tenes say they only earn $18,000 to $24,000 a year for themselves and their families.

The farmworkers were stunned. 

"We are so grateful because this is the first year we have received these gifts of tamales and love and support, and It makes us feel so grateful, especially for our children…in this area, we're so grateful because we're one family and one community," said farmworker Juan Jose Flores Lopez. 

"There is not a single person in America that does not benefit from a farmworker," said Tenes.

Politics aside, reality shows without farmworkers, documented and undocumented, America's plentiful food supply would be essentially impossible."

~ Tom Vacar

'Volunteers make wonderful days for Half Moon Bay Area farmworkers"

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