Sunday, December 25, 2022

Why, homelessness, why?

"I was very young when I wrote this. I was very careful in the sense that I really talked through the implications of going public in the piece. Clover, imagine if we had a world where Liza had been greeted as a hero. And Liza had gotten the support that she needed for herself or her family financially, emotionally in all of these ways? She got none of that. And, in fact, a few years later, she was homeless. That was the vengeance of—I’m sure not just Fat Joe but of an industry that was making an example of her. I think about all of the moments where whistleblowers have changed the world and made us aware of a dynamic or an issue that we didn’t either have the conscience or the courage or the awareness to see. And this person comes forward and tells the truth—at what cost?"

"Writer Elizabeth MΓ©ndez Berry On Protecting the 'Inconvenient Women' in Hip-Hop"

"The cost, for Liza, was just enormous. I haven’t talked to her in years. I am curious where she’s at—we were in touch for some time after the article came out—but how does she reflect on all of that? A [few years] ago, she finally at least got a judgment in her favor. But she was an inconvenient woman, you know."

~ E.M. Berry 

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