Monday, November 21, 2022

Didn't have to read too far for a Thanksgiving reference.

"The history of farm work in the United States is a history of violence. From slavery through the Bracero program to migrant workers in the 1960s, our food has been produced and harvested under brutal conditions including loss of freedom, lack of access to citizenship, and hazardous, sometimes deadly, environments both at work and at home. While people may think the situation is different today, daily life is still full of dangers for the estimated 2.4 million farmworkers in the United States, most of whom are Hispanic and Indigenous. The farmworkers who are responsible for your Thanksgiving dinner are facing many hazards both at work and in their communities."  

~ Alice Reznickova

"How Many Farmworkers Are Food Insecure? It’s Hard to Tell" - Union of Concerned Scientists

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