Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Best of all, cold rice pack makes me feel refreshed and good.

Also enjoying these 🕸💧🦭🍃 🦋

"First person: Thinking globally, acting locally to save the monarch butterfly"

"The survival of the endangered monarch butterfly depends on conservation beyond borders"

"Mexican delegation will visit Peterborough to share message of monarch butterfly conservation" | kawarthaNOW

Question about Cold Rice Pack

Does it ever say one thing and act another way? NO? AH that's EVEN BETTER!!!!

Cold Rice Pack Cares

And Wants To Help Ease This Body’s Stresses



"Pressure Points for Headaches: Tension, Sinus, and More"


"Rich liberal friends are way more evolved and important than that immigrant mother who was training her daughter to love Trump and call him 'Grandpa.'" 🤕

Is accidentally burning the flat bread in the oven "real"

"Time is NOT real – Physicists show everything happens at the same time" | Science | News |

Delayed reaction to a reading

Today as I was driving to my appointment, some imagery in my mind made me feel that she would say that she was feeling brave and trying to make jokes about the storm just to make the others on the boat less afraid.

Reaction to:

"On 25 May Beatrice left for Venice accompanied by her mother Eleonora, her brother Alfonso with his wife Anna Maria and various secretaries and advisers, with a retinue of more than 1 200 people. They sailed first along the Po, then on a dangerously rough sea that aroused many fears among those present, but not in Beatrice, who enjoyed mocking the fearful of the group.[20]"

"Beatrice d'Este" - Wikipedia

Healthcare, early 21st century style

A waiting room will indeed frazzle your carefully constructed chill. 

There's the news story about a guy with a machete being killed by police. "That's the news in America," a mother tells her two children approvingly. They are an immigrant family of African ancestry with the mom and perhaps 7 yo daughter talking about how glad they'll be when Trump comes back and calling him "Grandpa," and the perhaps 10 yo son asking "But what about Obama?" and the 7 yo girl saying, "No, I don't like Obama, I love Grandpa!"

The women who are the insurance specialists behind the counter then turn off the news and put on a movie. The little girl gets into doing yoga (the "downward dog" pose) with the animated characters (maybe they were dogs).

The doctor can see you now.


My dental exam went better than I expected so perhaps my sporadic supplement regimen and 3 different toothpastes and occasional oil-pulling sessions are not hurting.

And Remember Rumi, Too.

Quote by Rumi: “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

To fortify yourself when it gets difficult...

"Remember all the people who weren't PTSD triggers, and thank God for such blessings."

🙏 Prayers for Health in Heatwave Time 🙏

When patriarchal people act like their egos are far more important than your safety and well-being, as well as more important than the safety and well-being of the collective (and gosh, this includes their own safety & well-being, too, doesn't it?), that is a sign of the patriarchal people also needing to be more healed from their own traumas.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

She reminds me that it's important to take care of your health

"Elisabetta Sirani" - Wikipedia

Thanks for touching me, ghosts

I think more info was added recently?

"Beatrice d'Este" - Wikipedia

Good Night, Crescent Moon

You Charmer You.



Some may say, "Who cares?" Well, maybe your ancestors did (and want their traumas healed.)

Sorry, might have been a little bit influenced by someone who was sharing her enthusiasm for 

"Red Riding Hood 3-in-1 Storytelling Doll overview.wmv" - YouTube

and an alternate version of "Little Red Riding Hood" ("Golden Cap" in her book...but maybe similar to "The true history of Little Golden-Hood by Charles Marelle" 

"Little Red Riding Hood Revisited – The Fairy Tale Dimension"

And for medicine women and Dr. Estes and some other wolf stories...

AND 🎼💞🎵🙏😂


"Luminous Garden of Repose" by Meg Bowles (Pilgrimage, 2022) - YouTube



"Vagus Nerve Toning: A Path to Physical and Mental Wellbeing" — Dr. Carrie Rigoni : Chiropractor Perth,spent%20exposing%20yourself%20to%20cold.

This is a great complement, %$#*!

"ASMR Helping Leonardo DiCaprio's Girlfriend With Her Algebra 2 Homework" - YouTube

To an extended summer of overlapping health challenges...

Hee hee hee...

Jess Joho (she/her) on Twitter: "US health insurance is more forgiving of when it cuts you off than leonardo dicaprio. let that sink in." / Twitter

It's an interesting time to be alive

"Portland Freedom Fund bailed out man accused of violating domestic violence order. A week later, he was charged with murder"

"His mom and sister were killed. Now he's channeling grief to fight domestic violence" : NPR

Why does this overlap?

"Essential California: Mass shooters often share a history of domestic violence" - Los Angeles Times

But at least some things might be better later

Indifference is a kind of death by stubbornness.

But after the death, newer and better ways of doing things could be born.

UNIVERSAL question: Boundaries Time?

POV: They are very "privileged," and yet, they are also quite insecure for some reason.

It's really not something everyone can easily pull off. To so nonchalantly act like you don't care about how certain people are treated. To be okay with being that indifferent to PTSD. To not care about violence against women. 

What if they literally couldn't keep on going down that path? What if they were in a body that told them "No." That could happen someday.

It is pretty funny to contemplate...

😂 Even a few of the things that seem "normal" in our society today that will probably look incredibly not optimal for our collective health in the not too distant future...Ah well...Ohm...🙏💖👁🏞

Witness to Silly Times on Earth with an IC

 Celebrate Good Mental Health Times...

"Broken Phone, Lost Slide Whistle: Driving to Burning Man and Blathering About My Latest Catastrophes" - YouTube

Thanks for this tip 🌻

"Every face is a flower." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

"Our Inner Lives"

And these reminders...

"It's very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems. We will be more successful in all our endeavors if we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take little pauses to relax and re-center ourselves. And we'll also have a lot more joy in living."

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

"Our Inner Lives"

What if you come back, though

"My Sweet Lord (Remastered 2014)" - YouTube

"I'll Fly Away" - YouTube

Maybe John & George Laughed At Peanuts. Too


"Getting Better" - YouTube

"Within You Without You" - YouTube

Anyways, WWI Flying Ace beagle sounds super funny

Ailments stemming from sexism-in-the-academy-and-doctors-offices need their own special remedies.

"World War I Flying Ace" | Peanuts Wiki | Fandom

"Maybe you should have tried harder."

"Well, this time I had to opportunity to talk to another woman who tried harder, and she told me the experience was very demoralizing."

I am gonna look up Snoopy comics though

Thanks to this wonderful intersection of technology meeting the great gift of literacy.

Try Whispers Network Next Time

"I told you they don't do anything unless someone gets physically assaulted or killed. Then they mostly just cry and wish it hadn't happened."

Accidentally Xist answering service

"We're sorry, we're still unavailable to acknowledge this is an actual problem for someone like you in any meaningful way.

If you would consider leaving your name and number, and maybe call us back in another lifetime or so, by then someone else might be able give you some other kind of feedback..."

Monday, August 29, 2022

Small body, big world. Goddess Bless.

"432Hz - Calming Crystal Singing Bowls - Sound Bath (No Talking, 4K) Sleep, Heal" - YouTube

"Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD)"| Johns Hopkins Medicine

"Self Massage for TMJ Disorders"| My Doctor Online

"STOP MENSTRUAL CRAMPS - 'Luna's Touch'" - Relaxation & Stress Relief Music Therapy - YouTube

Not working the same in this century anyway

"Internet ‘is not working for women and girls’, says Berners-Lee"

Always something

It's unfair because I was just enjoying something to eat, and now I need to see if I have to attend to something like TMD.

Earth Comedy

"Ladies who deserved better husbands but look at the century"

Way to go UK!

Women's Equality Party on Twitter: "WE did it! From today, anyone needing to have an early medical abortion in England and Wales will be able to do so at home. It’s because of our formidable activists that we can make incredible change, like this, happen. ⚡Join the party today:" / Twitter

In Honor of last Friday...

"Do You Know The Black Women Who Helped Pass Women’s Equality Day?" - Essence

Who's the parent in government who thinks this account is humorous enough to buy one of their t-shirts

Hmmm, I forget. Temporarily.

manwhohasitall on Twitter: "'WHY do men try to improve life in the UK when men in other countries have it much worse? Undermines their case.' Visha, CEO" / Twitter

Listen to your body.

Different lives. Different bodies.

My body absolutely needs rest again.


I should have recorded that a dream ended with people singing "The Gambler"

"The Kenny Rogers Effect: Music Helps Stroke Victims"| WIRED

Kenny Rogers - "The Gambler"- YouTube


What is the "The worse I feel the more I must act it out" DEAL sometimes.

Won't I think of the Pound Puppies et al?

"80s/90s Toy Commercial Compilation *NOSTALGIA*" - YouTube

Change is happening anyway

"Women Have Always Been the Heart of the Climate Change Movement": Weekend Reading on Women’s Representation

By Cynthia Richie Terrell

"Forty-five women have served as governor in the history of the United States, including New York’s Kathy Hochul who was sworn in on August 24, 2021, just minutes after the former governor stepped down. Hochul is now running for reelection while modeling a new style of leadership in Albany and across the state, according to this piece by Jessica Bennett in The New York Times:

'After taking office, Ms. Hochul moved quickly to change the temperature in the Capitol. She converted Mr. Cuomo’s office into a conference room and replaced a sculpture of what she described as 'a man beating a horse with his gun' with suffrage posters and a tribute to Sojourner Truth. And she turned up the thermostat more than 10 degrees.'"


"Survivor describes fear of ‘3-Strikes’ rapist’s pending release"

By Dori Monson

“'I don’t understand why they (lawmakers) would do something like that,' Marie said. "What does this do to victims? I’m sorry. I’m overcome with emotion. It’s unbelievable. They just aren’t thinking about what this does to us.'”

Governments are tasked with dealing with information and finding newer and better ways of doing things.

I wonder if these writers are brothers...

"On Canada’s farms, workers go hungry" | Canada's National Observer: News & Analysis

"Statistics Canada reported in June that high prices are impacting the ability of nearly three-quarters of Canadians to meet daily costs for food and other necessities."

~ Marc Fawcett Atkinson

"The nasty verbal assault on Chrystia Freeland tells us a lot about rage in Canadian politics" | Canada's National Observer: News & Analysis

"Alex Jones was making as much as $800,000 a day peddling conspiracy theories, misinformation, and other forms of rage-farming fertilizer. His Canadian counterparts may not be making millions of dollars a month peddling their own paranoid wares, but you can be sure that business is still good."

~ Max Fawcett 

One time this August a woman chose this from her phone's playlist and I felt blessed 💞🎶

"Heartbeat Drum Song"- Native American - YouTube

What's going on...

"We also speak with Irene de Barraicua, operations director of Líderes Campesinas, who describes the ongoing threats women agricultural workers and others face on the ground, including sexual harrassment, wage theft and exposure to toxic chemicals."

"CA Gov. Newsom Threatens to Veto Farmworker Union Bill as He Buys $14.5M Vineyard in Napa Valley"| Democracy Now!

I have to believe in new things

Maybe there are beautiful healing energies around us that can help more people heal...what if getting more comfortable with that idea, and speaking about it, and being more earnest,  is a part of the healing so many could benefit from?


Los Angeles is very special place.

This one's easier to watch for free!

"Daddy Issues" - British film actress,approval%2C%20even%20after%20his%20death.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

What's missing?

"Woman Crosses Over and Gets Told Our Role on Earth (Near Death Experience)" - YouTube


"Daddy Issues" - Rotten Tomatoes

And this was another idea.

It would have been interesting to have a conversation with a guy who has already passed on about this.

"Adult Children of Alcoholics Tend to Share These Characteristics"

I got it!

"Staircase Wit" could ask "Are you in need of a domestic abuse hotline? I don't know one off the top of my head. But I could get out right now and look one up!"

If Jack and his girlfriend ever have another disagreement in the pool while I'm around, that's what I could say!

Whew. That only took a cluster of days.  

Then I could try to ask if they've ever seen "Maid" on Netflix & etcetra.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

🎼 "We were talking..." 🎶

About a man who was getting better...

"I am a violent man who has learned not to be violent and regrets his violence. I will have to be a lot older before I can face in public how I treated women as a youngster."

~ John Lennon

The Beatles – "Getting Better" Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

"All We Are Saying: The Last Major Interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono by David Sheff" | Goodreads

The Beatles – "Happiness is a Warm Gun" Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

The Beatles – "Within You Without You" Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

There's access to a Beatles radio station in the newer car. 🎵

Society can get better at many things 😌

For example, it could become much more normal to express more compassion for people who have experienced what was once referred to as "shell shock."

How to communicate? How to describe really needing to find some combination of physical mental emotional and spiritual healing?

Maybe it would be better to try later?

Maybe there are some artistic and musical ways.

Green olives for capers?

It's a good time to get creative about cooking...

"As Inflation Eases, Food Prices Soar" : Consider This from NPR : NPR

"Vegan Piccata (Chicken or Tofu)" - The Hidden Veggies


"Phytoncides: The Science Behind Forest Bathing Benefits" - Forest Bathing Central


It is good that I recently had a dream in which some women told me I choose good things to read and they wanted to help me find a good work situation. 

Much better than the dream I had several weeks ago of suffering from bleeding eyes and screaming about being really sick.

Yes, there are plans to address some traumatic times with a therapist.

🌱🙏 To sleep & then wake again 💗🌄

"Prayer Plant Time Lapse" - YouTube


I was privileged to shed tears in a park at sundown in the not too distant past. I was also privileged to partake of a wonderful warm and cleansing shower even more recently!

Also remembered ❤🎶

"Bhangra in Old Crow (Yukon) by First Nation Chief Dana Tizya" -Tramm & Gurdeep Pandher - YouTube

Might be interesting to read

"Mona Chollet's 'In Defense of Witches' is a celebration of women" : NPR

Kinda wonder 🤔

How long it will take to get more healed?




Quirky Voice Happens Sometimes

There's a personality that still goes, "From a certain perspective, it may seem sad to realize that to people in the future, you might not really look as though you're all that much better at treating the Earth and women and children with care and respect, as compared to the people you are always criticizing. But at least you have a lot of company. And at least there's time to change more, now and for the rest of this life. AH! May it be so?"

Friday, August 26, 2022

Back to healing thyself, and etcetra

Unfortunately my stomach started to give me pain, but I should also just really thank my stomach...just for, you know, being there.

To make it clearer to future generations

Maybe some of the more "liberal" people could write down in more exact detail why their own choices and self-absorption and sexism are just so much healthier for society than the others. 

It could explain a lot about thought processes and how certain patterns kept repeating and etcetra. 

Wow, in addition to farmworker women, what if the pollinators are like, revered in 50 years?

"One-third of the food we eat is at risk because the climate crisis is endangering butterflies and bees"

So, it's also not a bad thing to care about the pollinators.

These people give much healthier vibes

"Project raises awareness of violence on farmworker women"

Unhealthy Patriarchal People Vibes

"My paycheck is way way way more important than the health and safety of others.

Me me me me me."

Dear God, did the GBV disappear overnight?


"UNHCR - Gender-based Violence"

Hey. Look!

"Women Should Not 'Fix' Themselves to Fit Into Sexist Work Environments"|

Oh my goodness, I know there are so many women who might find reasons to disagree and need to get paid, but nevertheless I find this headline absolutely thrilling!

Isn’t Positive Change a GOOD thing.

"‘Late Night’ makes late night look bleak for women. So we asked how bad it really is" - Los Angeles Times

So...what if his higher self wants him to act better?

"Why does Conan O'Brien get away with pervasive sexual harassment?": r/LateNightTalkShows

Tele_Prompter•8 mo. ago

Additional comment actions

"I agree that Conan sometimes becomes borderline creepy. I wonder if some women only play along because they have a camera pointed at them and they don't want to make a scene."

And then his lower self and a lot of other patriarchal people are all like, can't mooore sexist....that's what we've gotten used to...we've all been getting paid to be sexist for years now...if you stop being sexist, it'll make us look bad, too...ugh. It's hard to imagine, how hard it must be for some to change when they're constantly being inundated with that kind of messaging all of the time?

"Conan being creepy as always (S04E06) : r/conan

He was probably a lot nicer when he was younger...sigh.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Did my skin just communicate with me?

Recently imagined my arm wearing very much older more wrinkly skin and it was pretty amusing. Ah, bring me the wisdom!!!

Well, I would love to change for the better, too

One time, thanks to doing some yoga, I imagined problems being like a cloud, and that I could send light to the cloud and that was a very good place to be!

Otra voz

What if a voice went, "Stop just doing whatever the poisonous patriarchal messages that seeped into your brain as a little kid are telling you. Find your better self. You could do that. It could get very interesting."

A certain personality is clearly very tired

Some people have such low expectations, you could almost cry, or at least wonder if they wouldn't benefit from some kind of grieving ceremony or something. Some get so hyperfocused on short-term stuff, and they could really be all about a whole lot of other things.

It's a multiple environments thing

So...where should the "Still very disappointed that people who could've been a lot more fun just turned out to be very untrustworthy and addicted to unhealthy sexist behaviors" feelings (about multiple environments) go? 

Do they need to go somewhere to get the proper care? 

What do they really need in these times of mental healthcare workers striking because they also deserve to be treated so much better?

Maybe at least the bodyworkers and healer types are more helpful. Even if that's accessed via a yoga video on YouTube. 

Interesting people i have met in the last week or so 🙏

Bodyworkers and yoga teachers and moms to pets and moms to humans and a student who wants to be an addictions counselor and people who have an interest in healing with their hands.

So many different kinds of them on this planet.

Some women aren't wealthy. And yet they are still interested in the welfare of women, too.

Some women aren't in possession of advanced degrees. And yet, they would still like the world to be a better place for women.

There are women who are not married to a man. There are women who do not have children. 

Regardless of status, and even if they are not held up in the spotlight by the media, there are potentially many women in the world who really are interested in making the world better place, and they are not in favor of perpetuating GBV (gender based violence) against women.

Maybe one day soon, your old discriminatory workplaces will care about GBV

Maybe they will. 

And maybe that will be a positive change.

Who knows? 

Anything is possible!

GBV is a new (or at least, new-to-me) acronymn that is being used

"Farmworkers address inequality, GBV on farms"

Lots of people are less sexist than their forebears were for good reasons

"Everyday sexism & women's mental health"

"Men's rudeness may disguise sexism"

"Sexism Sucks for Everybody, Science Confirms"

Bonus positivity words

"It is highly likely that more and more people in the future will find it even easier to enjoy fewer and fewer old-fashioned sexist coping mechanisms because they know those aren't actually healthy for anyone to indulge in." 

But the upside is

"The Dads who do yoga instead of self-indulgent sexism movement is growing stronger every day."

Well, the down side is...

"He finds him the women who look the other way when he's sexist for their own temporary comfort...but he must be in such pain. What ever could be done to alleviate his suffering?"

As "Maid" reminded me, Dads are not a monolith

One Dad: "Over my dead body will I approve of one of my children going out with a guy like Jack."

Another Dad: "Hey, it's great to see you again, Jack! You remind me so much of myself at your age..."

Another Dad: "You sure have taken on a lot with a guy like Jack. Do you want to talk to someone about it?"

Jack's life wasn't always easy, probably...

"Nick Robinson On 'Maid,' 'A Teacher,' & Toxic Masculinity"

And yet, it's still interesting to believe

I heard the story of a woman bringing her abusive husband to a healer,  and because his desire to heal met the right healing technique, he stopped being the abusive person he no longer wanted to be.

Yay, them.

All the dudes who treat people way nicer than Jack does.

Today I enjoyed a free turmeric ginger shot with another person

You don't have to go along with irresponsible people just because "Everyone else is doing it and it's good enough for them to behave that way." 

Especially if the Universe keeps telling you there's better ways of doing things.

Really, there's better ways to live on the planet.

I get recurring memory thing going on sometimes

How does change happen? I have some jaw tension and headache stuff I could release.

In Illinois, I was in a basement apartment and relaxing on the patio with a good cat. I smiled up at a couple I couldn't see because they called down to me and fed me some compliments.

They seemed happy and friendly.

It actually took me years to realize that it probably was them.

As time went on, I started to hear abusive sounding situations occurring for weeks and probably months. Sadly, my cat was no longer with me. I needed to leave the apartment after lay offs at my job. 

Still didn't connect the abuse I was hearing to the friendly voices. The sounds seemed to be coming at me from another direction, off to the side instead of from above. Well, maybe they were above and off to the side.

Once I told the woman in the front office about it, but she didn't seem to know what to do. Well actually, it's possible she suggested calling the police if I ever heard it again.

It was getting very stressful and damaging to hear that stuff. At least one time I began to verbally say "Please stop" with my head in my hands.

Before I moved away, it seemed to no longer be coming just from the walls. It would travel out doors through a cracked window, even though it was during a freezing cold Chicagoland winter.

So one night, because the voices were outside, I decided that was enough. I called the cops and they came, looking young and scared, male and female. I was still in my 20s, and maybe they were just out of high school or college.

I met them outside because I had a feeling that I wanted to do that, to make sure they knew it was a serious call. I walked with them behind my apartment. I pointed in the direction where I heard those VOICES. And probably I repeated some of what the voices had been saying to the young police officers. 

Maybe they saw me and heard me doing that.

And then there were bed sheets in the laundry room that just stayed there the next day, and the day after, and the day after that.

Ah, did the woman also yell at him and call him an asshole that night? Yes, I think so.

And after that, it seemed like maybe he never came back.

There were no more sounds of abuse coming through the walls.

And on another evening, I was opening the door for a pretty upstairs neighbor. She was being really nice, and I felt very positive energy.

Why didn't I see her / open the door before? But I did that time, anyway.

And a week later, I moved away.

Maybe one day you will get paid.

Lots of unpaid mental and emotional labor and physical stuff too.

At the right time, typing up thoughts can help anxiety

The truth is, the system was really very inadequately equipped when it came to handling several kinds of problematic situations.

Those problems are real. They exist. Now.  

And it seems to me that when you take the long view, those problems cannot be diminished so easily in order to appease some people's fragile egos.

People who were trained just "go along" with the unhealthy way of doing business will eventually be changing for the better. Sooner or later.

So why not make it sooner.

She seems quite comfortable with her words

"Ferheen Abbasi, who's a second-year med student, said she asked the UFW if they could provide some basic first-aid services to the marchers, saying that 'these are the kind of doctors that we want to become.'"

~ Maricela de la Cruz

"UC Davis med students provide first aid to UFW march to Capitol"

Any ideas...universe...

"What to say to Jack's girlfriend if you ever see her down at the pool again."

Hooooome....sounds kinda like OM.....

Maybe some people's bosses and dads and husbands and providers of comfortable lifestyles will be more than happy to be the ones who make the coffee and take the notes and pick the berries and mend the tears and etcetra.

Maybe I'll see them again soon...


EL: "You might be surprised."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize how much this upset you. You have every right to be as angry as you want to be." ~ Alex to Mehl Madrona, page 186 (not 389).

Oooops, I may have to go back and change all the pages numbers later???

Oh wait...No I don't!

ELLA: "Really? Okay. But..."

"'For you this little obstetrical drama is as bad as the gas chambers.'

'Or the genocide my people suffered from the smallpox blankets the U.S. Cavalry gave them,' I said."

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 185

ELLA: "I doubt Scrubs ever has the characters having any conversations like THAT."

EL: "That book you're reading kinda reminds me of 'Scrubs'"

"In addition to being the chief of obstetrics, Jason was the president-elect of the hospital's medical staff." 

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 181

"Everyone froze and waited while the portable X-ray machine was rolled into the OR. Then, as the technician moved it into position over Mrs. Atkins, Richardson spoke slowly and deliberately.

'Why don't you just kill the next one? I bet you could do that in ten minutes.'"

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 179.

"Jason had obviously recovered from the shock of his mistake, since he ran through his usual repertoire of off-color jokes while we waited. The nurses did a good job laughing and appearing to love his jokes this time as much as they had the last time..."

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 179-180

"I couldn't believe this was happening. this was just about as bad as the time I witnessed one of the Stanford OBs give a woman an episiotomy after she delivered, so as not to deprive her husband of the pleasure of a tightened up vagina."

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 169-170

"'Seventeen minutes!' proclaimed the timekeeper. 'It's a new record for a Cesarean.'"
"'That should be good enough to beat Poirot!' Jason said gleefully. And it was...Jason sat at least another seventeen minutes in front of his locker, bragging to anyone who would listen about his new record, counting and recounting his twenties. He speculated that his new record might be a standard that would last 'as long as the game is played. I'm the Babe Ruth of obstetrics," he crowed, 'the Mickey Mantle of the OR.'"

~ L. Mehl-Madrona, Coyote Medicine, page 171 - 172).


"Throughout production, her team was in touch with the National Domestic Violence Hotline, which received more calls in the month after 'Maid' premiered than any other month in its entire 25-year history."

~ Proma Khosla

"How ‘Maid’ Set a Record That Didn’t Have Anything to Do with Netflix Numbers" – IndieWire

More "staircase wit," or something?

"Hey, is the water nice? Have you guys ever seen Maid on Netflix?"

To swim or not to swim

Does Jack also get to set the thermostat as a reward for not drowning his lady love in the pool? I must ask them if I see ever them down at the pool again.

"Is your home constantly set to a 'sexist' temperature? You're not alone" | Women | The Guardian

Anyway, Megan et alia could be on the verge of a number of personal growth / breakthroughs

Megan McArdle on Twitter: "Anyway, having paid off $100k of student loans on a salary of much less than $100k, the reason I think others in that situation should also pay off their loans is not because I'm jealous of them and want them to suffer. It's because I know it can be done." / Twitter

"Give Megan a break, she grew up on the mean streets of NYC, her father was director of the General Contractors Association of New York, her mother a real estate broker for Prudential Douglas Elliman. HS Riverdale Country School, undergrad at Penn B.A., MBA University of Chicago."

Teapot Dome was Amateur Hour!🇺🇦 on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo Do you hear yourself? Yeah, I went to a State U, started a business, sold it for 8 figures and paid full tuition to send my kids to state schools. The reason I think YOU should have done that instead of racking up debt at Ivy League & B-schools is because I know it can be done." / Twitter

bleu checkmark guy on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo i read a story about an Australian man who while hanging out with his friends went to the bathroom and used a dull rusty knife to cut his own balls off. he emerged from the bathroom bloody and declared “i’ve done it! i’ve cut my balls off!” lots of things can be done megan" / Twitter

snk playtoomuch on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo im glad that you suffered and now feel cheated tbh" / Twitter

Double Stuf Warios on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo Anyway, having recovered from a bacterial infection with merely leaches and prayer, the reason I think others in that situation should also not be given antibiotics is not because I'm jealous of them and want them to suffer. It's because I know it can be done." / Twitter

Surf City Writer 歴史 on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo Megan, a bit older than you, worked my way through school, also started as a journalist. I'm aware enough to know that loans after our time at university were vastly different, often predatory. How? Because I researched it for my child. Your take is a false equivalence." / Twitter

The War on Birdmas on Twitter: "@asymmetricinfo @chillersnosk8 The median income for someone who works at the economist is $100,000 Megan." / Twitter

Is one of these headlines more positive than the other?

"Overturning Roe v. Wade stripped sexual assault survivors of agency"

"Conservatives May Regret Overturning 'Roe v. Wade' as Abortion Sends Democrats to Polls"


Does the body ever feel as though some people's genes just make it easier for them to ignore other kinds of people and get paid to cater to the patriarchy?

Had a dream about temperatures

Instead of having a more dramatic dream about needing to evacuate and feeling like there was a threat to my life, I had a dream that I was far too cold to be comfortable in a classroom that was being run by a man. (And when it's freezing, you need to leave.)

I said, "Does anyone else feel cold?"

Half the class raised their hands

"Well, I actually feel warm. Who feels warm?" he asked.

Half the class raised their hands and I was already getting the "Pretty soon everyone's going to be feeling warmer rather than cooler" feeling.

"Do whatever you need to do," the man in charge said to me, supposedly magnanimously.

I woke up and decided to look up some articles.

"More women than men feel uncomfortably cold..."

"Overcooling of offices reveals gender inequity in thermal comfort"| Scientific Reports

"Office temperatures tailored to men in suits are bad for business"

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


Maricela De La Cruz on Twitter: "21 days into the @UFWupdates march, @UCDavisMed medical students are providing first aid to the marchers as they near the state Capitol" / Twitter

"UC Davis med students provide first aid to UFW march to Capitol"

Good evening again


X: That would have to happen on the first day I try to go swimming.

Y: Maybe you're having your own personal "Groundhog Day" and it means you should go back into your shell!

X: Thanks, with that kind of encouragement I'll be back out there making money in no time.

(Staircase Wit: In these raised rent and inflationary times.)

Y: But it was funny!

Jack and the woman in the bikini down at the pool

Honestly, the Universe is relentless sometimes.

Today I thought it would be nice to go for a swim...for the first time all summer!!!

Yes, just me and a couple of nice older ladies talking about what they're making for dinner, drifting around the pool.

But then, three other people showed up. The older ladies left.

One older dude just chilled out in the pool chair. Meanwhile, the girl got in right away and tried to coax the other guy to come in with her.

Aw, he was shy and scared of the water.

Coax, coax, coax. It will be fun, etcetra.

Finally he got in. And then... 

"Please don't, please don't, please..."

This woman swam over to be near me. A stranger. 

"Please stop. PLEASE DON'T, JACK."

Jack had the three of us in a corner!

I didn't have my glasses on, but I noticed that she might not be as young as I originally thought...

Maybe almost the same age as me.

Jack seemed a lot younger than both of us.

What is Jack's deal?

I think Jack does not respect women. 

I probably just kind of glared and Jack was smirking. He wasn't in any kind of hurry. Then, slowly, he moved away and she followed him. 

"Jack, please don't. Please don't drown me."

Jack got out of the pool and she just watched him. He dried off and left without a word.

Slowly, she got out of the pool, dried off, and left. 

Is she going to cook him dinner now?


And a tea kettle is calling me to my peppermint tea.


So many people, including many women, just find refuge in the great silence. I have also done so at times. Sometimes you need to disconnect. How can you change the system? Really,



Perhaps it's simply not worth some people's time when a lot of women's bodily autonomy is being threatened?

Well, I think it's the time of night when I can at least go hang out with a nice human and do the pleasant puzzle and nature program thing. 

Ah, small validations online for the mind when other environments seem to not care

“This decision is causing trauma for many, many people because it reflects a taking away of rights and a loss of rights.” —Shannon Moroney, trauma therapist

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Life is in a body that needs to feel healed

So that will be the most important thing again. As it has been all along.

Thanks for considering

working on those internalized misogyny issues, which you definitely or at least arguably weren't automatically born with back in that year when you were born. And be sure to check in next week to review the progress...

Humans are still sentient, at least

"After Roe, teens are teaching themselves sex ed, because the adults won’t"

"Surrogacy and Roe v. Wade: How the Ruling May Affect the Industry"

"With Roe v. Wade overturned, new abortion bans are taking effect nationwide" : NPR

Hello, Country of Horrifying "Healthcare" Views of Women

"A Mother, a Daughter and an Unusual Abortion Prosecution in Nebraska"

"Overturn of Roe v. Wade could affect infertility patients"| Fortune

Eye-catching 👁


"America Needs Fatima"

"Fresno Bishop Joins March for Farmworkers’ Union Voting Rights Bill"

...ask their doctors...


manwhohasitall on Twitter: "Is it REALLY possible for men to juggle kids, housework, festival hair, 7 almonds, age defying exercise and a pH balanced penis?" / Twitter

If only Jennifer, Craig, Brendan, and Gabrielle could...

"Jennifer Grey: Banning Abortion Puts Women in a Corner" | Opinion

"Michigan GOP Candidate Says Rape Victims Find 'Healing' Through Having Baby"

"Trump backs Shane Hernandez, says Michigan Republicans 'must unite'"

"Caught on Camera! Why Did He Pay the Babysitter Outside?" – Herald Weekly

G. Moses: "Naturally, I work hard to cater exclusively to the needs of patriarchal people because..."

Wow, even parsley?

"Name a food, and it is likely that a female farmworker had some role in cultivating and growing it."


"Op-ed: The End of Roe v. Wade Makes Reproductive Health Even Tougher for Farmworkers" | Civil Eats

And "That is a nice thing for some people to do."

"'Nimble and Reactive’

Food Forward focuses on recovering fresh produce, the bulk of which it collects from a wholesale recovery program. After collection, the organization stores the fruits and vegetables at its refrigerated Produce Pit Stop in southeastern L.A. before transporting it to hunger relief programs that distribute the food to low access communities. It has worked with more than 350 direct partners to coordinate food donations to 12 California counties, six other states, and two Tribal nations."


"This Group Has Rerouted 250 Million Pounds of Food From Landfills to Feed People in Need"| Civil Eats

Sentences that make you go. "That was nice of them."

"A New Film Documents the Immigrant Farmworker Journey" | Civil Eats

"Two New Films Paint Starkly Different Pictures of Farming in America"| Civil Eats

Not a koan: well, what about those societal expectations of certain people?

There once was a man who was less apt to act sexist when he was younger who decided to act more sexist as he got older, and got rewarded for it. Why?

One the other hand...

"Life on earth contains both bitter and sweet experiences."

On the one hand...

"Experience communicates that patriarchal people can be incredibly superficial and hurtful to interact with."

Monday, August 22, 2022

Maybe this will be more 🏞 fun💧 to look through

Discoveries in

"About More Than Just Parks"

"Fishlake National Forest: It's Even More Magical Than You Know (Guide)"

"10 EPIC Ohio National Parks Worth Visiting (Helpful Guide + Photos)"

People who are addicted to being sexist

are more disappointing than they are fun to be around. You might hope they break themselves of their addiction sooner. When only a small group of people are getting rewarded for indulging certain monetarily privileged people in their sexism at the expense of a lot of other people, that's like an addiction and/or a coping mechanism for getting through life. When a such a small group of monetarily privileged people have more incentives to make excuses for sexist people and behavior patterns, what could possibly make them believe that being more respectful of the experiences of others is a much better way of living?

Making excuses for sexism is not a new coping mechanism

It feeds into a larger pattern of suffering.

In less tragic instances

A parent can rewind the recording and decide the referee made the wrong call and sabotaged his daughter's goal only temporarily.

It still bothers some people

knowing that women who were trained to make excuses for patriarchal sexism and find it easy to be disrespectful to other women were also on some level trained to be sexist and disrespectful towards themselves.

Bless these gifts 🍅🥬🥕🥒

Ardent Michelle ~


Piquette et alia

"What Is Piquette and Why Should You Be Drinking It?" - Eater

"Wild Arc Farm"| Jenny and Francois Selections

"A farmer who’s for fair pay for farmworkers" – New York Daily News

"'All the Sacrifices You’ve Made’ shows photos from WA farmworkers, capturing joy, grief and more"

"Pregnant teen's heat-related death impacted CA farm-worker rights"

"'We’re here to give them a voice’: Group marching hundreds of miles to California capitol in support of farm workers"

That's an interesting time of life to remember

And then, there was the trip to Oregon for the conference about farmworkers with several young women...including...hmmm!

"Biography - Sen. Rebecca Saldaña"

Pretty cool memory

When I was a young college student in the PNW, I used to regularly talk with a nice young man (who I guess I met in one of my classes). Maybe his name was Chris, and his girlfriend was a massage therapist. Perhaps he wanted to be a counselor or something. All we did was talk about how life was going, and keep it positive and nice.

Wild foods & whistled languages...

"Foraging for a feast: Wild food gathering gains popularity amid rising prices" |

"BBC puts world spotlight on Sfyria: Greece’s disappearing whistled language"

"Shepherd’s Purse Pasta Increasingly Popular as S. Koreans Turn to Healthy Food Options"| Be Korea-savvy

"[in Just-]" by E. E. Cummings | Poetry Foundation

Opinions, opinions 🦋

"Can Nature Help Heal Trauma?"| INTEGRIS Health

Who deserves better? "Women, girls, men, and boys."

"Russia's ‘most hidden crime’ in the Ukraine war: rape" - Los Angeles Times

How come? Lol.

Sometimes it takes only one person acting like a  genuine drink of fresh water to make certain others look like they're still languishing around in stale old sugar cookies phase. 

Maybe they will choose to be different sooner rather than later.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

It can be fun to meet

People who are more advanced and wiser about some things.

I had the nice experience recently.


 "In addition to being the chief of obstetrics, Jason was the president-elect of the hospital's medical staff." 

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 181

Ah, back to the nature show and the puzzle!

 "'Jason is a reckless fool surrounded by reckless fools,' Richardson said, shrugging off my praise."

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 181

Oooo, I might have to share it with someone I know who works at a hospital.

"Everyone froze and waited while the portable X-ray machine was rolled into the OR. Then, as the technician moved it into position over Mrs. Atkins, Richardson spoke slowly and deliberately.

'Why don't you just kill the next one? I bet you could do that in ten minutes.'"

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 179.

UPDATE on the SATURDAY NIGHT LIBRARY book before going back to the other entertainment

So the doctor who performed the operation really messed up...

"Jason had obviously recovered from the shock of his mistake, since he ran through his usual repertoire of off-color jokes while we waited. The nurses did a good job laughing and appearing to love his jokes this time as much as they had the last time..."

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 179-180

"I couldn't believe this was happening. this was just about as bad as the time I witnessed one of the Stanford OBs give a woman an episiotomy after she delivered, so as not to deprive her husband of the pleasure of a tightened up vagina."

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 169-170


"'Seventeen minutes!' proclaimed the timekeeper. 'It's a new record for a Cesarean.'"

"'That should be good enough to beat Poirot!' Jason said gleefully. And it was...Jason sat at least another seventeen minutes in front of his locker, bragging to anyone who would listen about his new record, counting and recounting his twenties. He speculated that his new record might be a standard that would last 'as long as the game is played. I'm the Babe Ruth of obstetrics," he crowed, 'the Mickey Mantle of the OR.'"

~ L. Mehl-Madrona, Coyote Medicine, page 171 - 172).

Gratitude! It's a HEALING PROCESS 🦋💖🌻😊🙏💙

Grateful for time on Saturday night to tell a guy about several cool ladies I met recently while we work on a puzzle and watch a nature show. 🦋💖🌻😊🙏💙

More fun things for dads and other kinds of people to read...

There's a man who is giving advice on how to make men understand better and a woman who is challenging that tactic although I am not sure what's getting accomplished really but anyway they can read all about it in this:

"How realistic are the post-Roe abortion workarounds that are filling social media?"

Saturday, August 20, 2022


How to treat women like real human beings, even if you're surrounded by people who apparently don't care about that sort of thing. 

REMINDER: to improve health, stay away from dangerously insensitive, sexist people...

even if they are surrounded by others who go along with their standards for money!

Just reading about a time in the DISTANT PAST when some doctors were making a hundred dollar bet on who could perform a Caesarean on two different women the fastest (because the mothers' deliveries weren't progressing fast enough to suit the time tables set by the doctors.)

"I couldn't believe this was happening. this was just about as bad as the time I witnessed one of the Stanford OBs give a woman an episiotomy after she delivered, so as not to deprive her husband of the pleasure of a tightened up vagina."

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 169-170

Apparently, such behavior from the most highly educated was excused:

"'Seventeen minutes!' proclaimed the timekeeper. 'It's a new record for a Cesarean.'"

"'That should be good enough to beat Poirot!' Jason said gleefully. And it was...Jason sat at least another seventeen minutes in front of his locker, bragging to anyone who would listen about his new record, counting and recounting his twenties. He speculated that his new record might be a standard that would last 'as long as the game is played. I'm the Babe Ruth of obstetrics," he crowed, 'the Mickey Mantle of the OR.'"

~ L. Mehl-Madrona, Coyote Medicine, page 171 - 172). 


Friday, August 19, 2022


There may be a realm in which posting links makes it so that you don't have to buy another remedy?

"Shepherd's Purse: Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, and More",reduced%20bleeding%20in%20one%20group.

"Pennycress, pepperweed and shepherd’s purse popping up in your pasture"

"Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Identification" - YouTube

Hold up. A man's tenure-track job is being threatened!

"Because of the Stigma of Abortion..."

“'If I ever choose to bounce, or if I’m forced to because of my wife’s health concerns, will it be easy to walk into any other tenure-track job? It may not be,' Collier, who has written about his family’s experience in part on Twitter, told MarketWatch."

~ Zoe Han

I am gonna eat a peach today 🍑!

"An undocumented farmworker decided to march for a month without pay. Here’s her reason"

By Laura S. Diaz

“I was working in the peach harvest, but decided to stop working because this fight is worth more than the job,” Cárdenas said in Spanish. “That money isn’t going to increase sick days or benefits. I prefer to stop working to gain what we deserve: benefits, respect, equality.”

Read more at:

"Cárdenas said she works with both unionized and non-unionized field crews and she is marching for the rights of her community. “If we don’t come together, we can’t accomplish anything and they will be richer and us poorer, sicker and older,” Cárdenas said."

Read more at:

Gonna click on the bottom one first, I think.


Alrighty, interesting content about humans with words is happening

"'RRR' Oscars Buzz; Jonah Hill's Letter; Sacheen Littlefeather Apology" - Variety

Maybe it's good to get better at listening to your body.

For example:

Does that industry ever make your body feel so stressed out, like you just need to leave immediately and get some better vibes back in your body?

"The festival has been criticized over the years for a lack of female headliners. In 2010, the festival had no female comedians, but organizers have since made more of a concentrated effort to include female voices. Even so, the festival has only had about three or four female comedian headliners (out of 12-17 headliners, depending on the year) over the last eight festivals. Continuing that trend this year, only three out of the 12 headliners are female."

~ Ben Yakas

Aw, hashtag all the men again.

"John Mulaney, Conan O'Brien, Wanda Sykes among headliners at New York Comedy Fest" - Gothamist

"Wanda Sykes Bailed on ‘The View’ Over Ex-Trump Aide Alyssa Farah Griffin"

That's gonna be a challenge...

"To fight climate change, we need to start biking like the Dutch" - The Verge

Read some things while enjoying my water and a/c

United Farm Workers on Twitter: "UFW member Lourdes has been a farm worker for over 20 years, and her leadership is incredible. She’s marching through CA’s Central Valley to win the support of @CAgovernor Newsom on #AB2183." / Twitter

Guy Branum (@guybranum) / Twitter


"Tear Down the Boys’ Club That Protected Louis C.K."


"Eddie Murphy's Blisteringly Antigay Comedy Act Scarred Guy Branum"


"An Open Letter to White Male Comedians"

And another point of view...and another...

"The traditional healers told me that time is the first important ingredient in the healing journey, comparing starting this journey to beginning to push a rock up a hill. It takes a lot more effort to get the rock moving at first than to keep it moving."

"Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Healing Intensives"

"What this inner healer is, varies from tribe to tribe, and culture to culture. Some call it spirit. Others call it soul. Others call it Self. When it is activated, people feel transformed. They feel "in the flow," present-centered, mindful, empowered, and intuitively aware of what they need for healing. Our goal for these two days is to locate this inner healer."

"In the meantime, you need to take better care of your health"

 Yep, that definitely is a great idea. Thanks for that reminder.

"Because Climate Change"

Nature works in mysterious and also not-so -mysterious ways. It seems?

A comforting thought, for sure...

"Probably some of our descendants will be much better at not dehumanizing others so much, compared to us."

"Well that's sad enough, isn't it."

"If we treat a small group of $$$ people much better than others, then we can feel like dehumanizing others is okay. But it's temporary."

VOICE: Church is NOT the only reason.

Arrogant privileged people who really seem to have a hard time treating girls and women with respect explain why dehumanizing others and their experiences just feels like normal behavior to them.

Something nice from another time coming into this time

People like easy nostalgia (and honestly that's not so bad sometimes) and relaxing and letting go of their troubles...and getting decent sleep.

That was a nice 1980s🎵 discovery the other evening

"At The Bath" by Michael Stearn

A person~lity.

Pushed into learning about hypervigilance you really don't need to be rich fools after trying to be laid back back-fired But still you deserve to find healing, too.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

I have a health to attend to


Where did she get her...oven mitt

Qveen Herby - "Sugar Daddy" - YouTube

Patriarchy, Parenting, & Privilege!

"'Get the Girls': Patriarchy on the Preschool Playground" — Parenthood PhD

"Raising My Kids in a Sexist State" — Parenthood PhD

"Studying Privileged Parents as a Privileged Parent" — Parenthood PhD

How to be more interested in your heal -- hey! look at that cute, pretty...

"500+ Church Building Pictures [HD]" | Download Free Images on Unsplash

I'm feeling that it's fun to combine interests

"Meet OLAUG: Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage, who dive into Cape Cod ponds" | Here & Now


"Sorority members speak out on the overturn of Roe v. Wade, even when their organizations don’t"| Here & Now

A fine fellow shared this story with me!

"Jonah Hill says he won't promote coming films so he can prioritize his mental health"

Maybe more privileged people who could should also take the time 


"Why Spending Just Two Hours a Week in Nature Is Good for You"

How about spending more time with nature?

Sometimes it takes time to heal. But spending more time with nature and less time in an environment that allows for a certain kind systemic cruelty and discrimination which is very unhealthy for you and your type of body could still be a great idea.

Remarkably full of interesting quotes...

"Sorority members speak out on the overturn of Roe v. Wade, even when their organizations don’t" | Here & Now

Next, plan to watch the second half sometime after the sun goes down 🌅

In the first part, the narrator says the population has more than doubled since the moon landing! 

Our Planet | "Fresh Water" | FULL EPISODE | Netflix - YouTube