Sunday, November 17, 2019

Imagine the boon in PTSD treatment

What was that like? Living in a generation that was worse off than the generation that came before?

So many jobs but not enough pay equity.

 Weird (not happy) dreams to make your back tense and hurting when you wake up, like veteran's PTSD type stuff.

Also, the closer you get to paying off one debt, the "so close, yet so far away" feeling as another bill looms.

Time spent researching how to treat ailments that traditional Western medicine does not seem to be able to handle.

And so, why don't you give up Netflix and just check out stuff from the library if you want to be entertained.

Because I live with a person who doesn't WANT to give up Netflix and pays for it.

So not that much is watched. But there are times when something is watched...there are other things that must be done.

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