Monday, June 24, 2019

Felt like...

Some nicely dressed church people were very rude to me yesterday. The woman driving the car did not stop at the crosswalk. I was the pedestrian. I needed to cross.  Then she got a very angry look on her face because two cars pulled out in front of her. She was stopped on the crosswalk waiting for cars. I was waiting for her to move her car so I could use the crosswalk.

No, maybe those cars pulled out in front of her so she could let a pedestrian cross, as she could have done in the first place. I walked around her and the crosswalk. She had to wait because of two cars.

Then in the store she looks like she's following the man she is with all dutifully. Maybe he's gonna meet with his friends at the misogynistic Bible Study down at the coffee shop later.

They probably go home and treat their sons better than they treat their daughters too.

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