Friday, August 17, 2018

It's 2000-teens

Why is this still a thing.

Maybe it's because of the messages they get from the bigoted "adults." 

"In 2014, researchers at Nashville’s Vanderbilt University found that overweight women earn less money than slimmer women, whereas obese men seem to do just as well as slim men. This led researcher Jennifer Shinall to conclude: 'It really seems to be more of a sex-discrimination issue.'”

“'Historically, the notion of a big guy has always been perfectly acceptable,' says psychotherapist Susie Orbach, the author of Bodies and Fat is a Feminist Issue. 'Men are meant to be big and strong, and women are meant to be tiny and not take up too much space. They can have everything in the world now, but they have to be slim. That’s the horror of the current aesthetics for women. Young girls are taught at an early age that their bodies are for display and not for anything else.'”

~ R. van der Zee

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