Monday, August 27, 2018

In a place

To leave it? How.

It's like when I used to glower behind a hostess stand (This place is so fun. You like working here?I just go to my government job and check Facebook all day. I just wanted you to know. Your tax dollars at work. Hey do you think that cocktail waitress would go out with me? No? Hey, can I have a free glass?) and a voice in my head said, "You don't believe it now but someday you will look back on this with nostalgia," and I was like "F- you I am more than 3 decades old with an advanced degree and stuck in this place no I will not!!!!" and yet now I see it as a learning experience. And I can't go back because it's not even there anymore. And I did feel nostalgia when I looked up the pictures online. There I spent so so so so so so so so SO MANY HOURS OF MY LIFE.

Wasn't it cute...wasn't it charming...


It wasn't.

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