Saturday, February 10, 2018

It almost seems like they are related

I think I will go to this place sometime....

Simpson & Colbert in "Waffle House" 

I too have enjoyed the Waffle House. It was sort of the death of my vegetarianism in college. Friends took me to one in Virginia after way too many needle sticks in the ER and doctors decided I didn't need a transfusion so I got three packages of birth control pills and was told to take a triple dose and to eat big iron pills & more meat to cure my anemia and the next night I was seized by a fear of falling into a coma but my stepfather's son, a doctor, talked me out of going back to the hospital, which I'm still so happy about to this day, and my roommate was kind and brought meals with meat in them from the cafeteria and my mother also came down and left embarrassing notes about my menstrual issues for all my professors to read so I eventually recovered but as I ate with my friends that night my mood was I am going to live...and eat bacon! Oh, Waffle House.

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