Monday, February 05, 2018

I want to move

I have put down bay leave on shelves because of them. My whole life, I have lived in different apartments and I did not have to deal with roaches, but here I have to deal with them. I wasn't poor growing up, and never dealt with them anywhere I lived as an adult either. I don't understand how I came to be stuck in this situation. This apartment is not cheap, either, but in this area the rent is high. I know now that when you move into a place, the cleanliness of previous tenants matters. But I have paid down a lot of debt this year, so I do feel better about that. That's what is great now...depositing half the paycheck to pay down debt you accrued when the economy was bad. Another great thing is every day that is free of various horrible health symptoms. And the neighbors are not so loud now. Why don't I just move? Sometimes I ask myself this. Because there are people on another coast who would take me in. Even if there is a person there with whom I disagree politically, he still has said that I should move there, and when I had problems traveling, he said that it was God's way of telling me I should move there. They have a nice house and I could go to the beach all the time. But then, what about health insurance? What about the problems that exist for half the month and not so much at other times? It's just very interesting to be in this particular situation. It seems like I am encountering what other people I knew had to encounter as children (like my friend who left but I still think she's coming back...)

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