Sunday, May 07, 2017

Did you ever have the urge to run...  you could raise awareness of patriarchal bargaining?*

Compliment the man* in power and get rewarded. Put his needs before your own and get rewarded. Ignore and devalue women who criticize the sexism in an environment and get rewarded for catering to the male ego. Accommodate those who expect you to be and act and think in certain ways and don't try to change anything and pretend it's all wonderful and okay. Just go along with the sexism and get rewarded. Hey, maybe it's just a good fit for your personality? Good enough for you.

*Sometimes the man is in power actually a woman. There are some very nice people on this planet who are still very sexist and devalue women and girls, and some of them are women. I had nice, kind, helpful women in my family tell me when I was a kid that I needed to defer to men and to make men the head of the household because that's what it says women are supposed to do in the Bible. These women were trying to do me a favor

Sometimes certain types of privileged women don't have a high incentive to help out other women. It is easy for them to either ignore or treat other women badly if they want to succeed within the system when the men who running it definitely don't want to change or to investigate their own prejudices. They've been told it's okay to be this way. They want to be told they're doing a great job. If you know you're going to be rewarded for catering to their way of thinking, and penalized for criticizing their sexism, and you want to succeed within that system, what are you going to choose?

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