Monday, September 05, 2016


I had another's like, every time I want to be all peaceful, I get reminded that this is what I find to be more than just annoying, but to the point of unfortunately oppressive....

It's a certain dynamic that exists in some places.

Most People                                           
If I am mean or bullying, people don't like it and they let me know.

My Charming Talented Brother
If I am mean or bullying, it's funny. So, I get away with it!  Sorry I have a some hidden default insecurity that makes me unexpectedly and unnecessarily treat people like trash. (Why? Perhaps because I treated myself like trash for various and complex reasons and then I found a way to keep carrying on my life mission, but since I didn't resolve that b.s. it accidentally comes out when I interact with others.) But you know it's a small price to pay for all the wonderfulness I can offer, so why should I change, which is hard to do? Ha! Ha! Ha! You will be rewarded.

Oh, oh, oh....

Also, the cat just threw up several times. Poor kitty!

To the paper towels and the cleaning supplies I must now attend....

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