Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Oh the discomfort and the discounted

"They shifted in their chairs, reached for their glasses of wine and tried their best to not make eye contact. One woman finally spoke up, saying, “I don’t agree. My greatest mentor was a woman.” Another woman countered with, “I think women don’t want to look like they are a feminist, so they are careful about advocating for other women.” Quickly, the conversation turned to the importance of men advocating for women, with an unspoken but clear implication that it was less important to have a woman advocate. The room psychologically avoided the notion that women distance themselves from other women by denying it, excusing it and eventually dismissing it as not that important."

Reason one: They want to show that they are a part of the team (men's club).

Reason two: They face subtle or not so subtle disapproval from their male peers.

Reason three: Women helping women is not valued work.

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