Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Utopia fantasy stuff

And one day, all the women said "Let's stop making excuses for the sexist people just because they can give you money...."

"After she joined Donald Trump’s real estate business, Louise Sunshine struggled to maintain a steady weight while managing her new career alongside the busy schedules of three young children.
Trump must have noticed, Sun­shine said. She recalled that he kept an unflattering photograph of her in a drawer — a “fat picture,” as she called it — that he would pull out when she did something he didn’t like.

It was “a reminder that I wasn’t perfect,” said Sunshine, who worked with Trump for 15 years starting in the mid-1970s when he set about remaking Manhattan’s skyline. “He just is that way.”

Sunshine said she bears no grudges and instead considers Trump a valued mentor."


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