Friday, February 20, 2015

Salty chocolate caramel breakfast

"Every day is Children's Day." Tell that to the kids at the border. Valentine's Day just passed. There is Mother's Day and there is Father's Day. Wait, wait a wait trigger warning don't read below this if you are pregnant. I mean it. If you are pregnant this is not for your eyes. YOU are hopefully having an excellent day. I am not a popular and established author who just put out a book titled Trigger Warning. I am not O'Brien slipping soap into Cora's bath. I am not triggering a Lady Sybil either. So read at your own risk keep going keep going keep going keep going okay you're safe you're safe you're safe here it is (you are hopefully having an excellent day) What about Happy Dysmenorrhea Day? Happy Braxton-Hicks Day? Happy Miscarriages Day??? I mean in a nice way.
Like a Day of the Dead type thing.
Hmmm. Interested in both Trigger Warning and The End of Mr. Y.

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