Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Environmental Calamities


1) This evening, my roommate from the Philippines was saying his family is extremely lucky that the terrible typhoon missed his small island.

2) As I was driving home, this announcement interrupted the music: "Only 15% chance of getting pregnant after age 35! Only 5% chance after age 40!" This topic is always in my face lately. And meanwhile there are also those articles about girls hitting puberty at young ages...

"Ainsley closed her eyes, as if to shut out the embarrassment. The ongoing quest to understand why her young body was turning into a woman’s was not one of Ainsley’s favorite pastimes. She preferred torturing her 6-year-old brother and playing school with the neighborhood kids. (Ainsley was always the teacher, and she was very strict.) 

'Have you seen Western doctors for this?' Allomong asked."


"Finally, he asked Ainsley to sit up. 'It doesn’t test like it’s her own estrogens,' Allomong reported to Tracee, meaning he didn’t think Ainsley’s ovaries were producing too many hormones on their own. 'I think it’s xeno-estrogens, from the environment,' he explained. 'And I think it’s stress and insulin and sugar.'"

~From Puberty Before Age 10: A New "Normal"?

3) This weekend, I made about 20 copies of pages out of a good book called Womancode. I was only going to copy the part about all the endocrine disruptors in shampoos, soaps, etc. but then I got on a roll. Out of the 15+ books I have checked out, it was the only one I couldn't renew; someone else has requested it. (Ah, those others, secretly lurking...)

4) Then I watched The Subliminal Message In So Many Animated Kids’ Movies And Shows Isn’t About Violence and had to look up Geena Davis (and found this, by the way: "At age 46,Davis gave birth to their daughter Alizeh Keshvar (born April 10, 2002). At age 48, she had twin boys, Kian William Jarrahy and Kaiis Steven (born May 6, 2004)" not saying that's normal for most women, but guessing that she must have been batting an average better than 5%.) I know most people probably think of her in Thelma and Louise but I remembered more about seeing her in The Accidental Tourist. I watched her acceptance speech. (She first thanked Anne Tyler for writing such wonderful book! How sweet.) Then I saw that the guy she was married to at the time died in New Zealand from falling over a cliff  just this morning?

5) Fittingly, a bunch of emergency vehicles came blaring down the street and parked at the end of the block as I was typing this. 

6) Okay that actor did not die, apparently. God, that's the hazard of being famous.

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