Wednesday, August 28, 2013

AA (AssistiveAfflictive)

from sensualtantrichealing
Surprise when I came home: PCOS story from a friend. Hmmm...

I had to wonder if "the only options out there have already nearly killed me once" might refer to a  bad side affect, such as losing copious quantities of blood. Which can make one feel very cold and also do a strange mermaidish thing where you feel like it's hard to breath and gulping water is almost like breathing...

From "Sesame Street"

A dreary morning dream: I wander into an area where many men are working. There are some interesting gravel staircases, but I have a feeling I should leave. I want to ask someone the best way to get out, but everyone is so busy. As I am trying to find my way out, some of the men carelessly toss more gravel on top of the hill and began laughing. It slides and covers most of me quickly, making it difficult to breathe. I tell myself I have a will to live and will find a way out of this heavy gravel and start breathing.

This dream triggered a funny memory. When I was young, kids would refer to a place called "the gravel pits" as a good place to go smoke, and I was sorry I never saw them. But as soon as I woke up, I thought "I'm never going to the gravel pits."

Dog by a seemingly benign hill of gravel ~ washingtonlandscape

Better dream: I am in a lounge, watching some guy deliver a sarcastic, misogynist diatribe (the content of which is too pointless to even remember) alongside some women who are unmotivated to challenge him. I say "Well, he could have delivered a funny, sarcastic story, that would have been alright, but he didn't have to be misogynistic about it." A young girl (age 12? 14?) tells me she doesn't even want to give him any leeway. None of this "he could tell a sarcastic story and be funny" stuff for her. She says "Women deserve better!" and because I see the letters forming on a board next to her, like D - E - S - H - E - R - V - E, I reply "They do DESHERVE better and thank you for challenging my viewpoint!" (DESHERVE...DESHERVE...almost thinking of dervish...)

By alicemason1 ~

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