Tuesday, June 18, 2013

what the heck

is in this stuff.

from simply-american.net

two little sample cups--that's all I had! Totally out-of-character, I decided to drink some while I was at the grocery store. Black, too. I noticed that at first it was bitter, and then my tastebuds sort of numbed out and it was just a pleasant beverage. Weird. I resisted the temptation to get a third...on my way back I sang little things in my newly air-conditioned car (I got a father's day gift! I also sent one. It was a good exchange) (1) yay! air-conditioning for the first time in 2 years (2) can you feel my coffee buzz...(to the tune of a nirvana song) and at home, a weird little surge of caffeine hit my system and then it kind of went like....can you feel my coffee CRAaash...I really need to dialogue with myself to decide whether or not to get any more tonight.

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