Monday, September 24, 2012

on breathing and irritability

There was some chattiness in the pharmacy line as I waited to pay for a product that would hopefully help me breathe better. Namely, older guy chattiness with cashier about old people vs. young people. I didn't pay much attention because I was just hoping they'd hurry up. Possibly this was on my face. "Gee, maybe I said that too loud," said older guy to cashier. "Everyone agrees with you!" said cashier to older guy. "They agree on this side..." older guy said, "but not on that side!" and then he actually pointed in my direction. "Ha ha!" said cashier. Seriously? I would just like to purchase this product to help me breathe...finally they left. Cashier rang me up. I made an effort to look as sweet as possible. "Do you have I.D.? You need to be eighteen now to buy some of this stuff." I had I.D..."Thank you" equally (?) sweet smiles were exchanged. The medicine tripped the alarm as I walked out, but they could have easily chased me to my car and caught me taking my medicine surrounded by wads of tissues everywhere if they really wanted to. I thought, isn't it funny how amusing snarky older men are in books (like Herbert Rowbarge), yet how annoying they can be in real life? I came home and devoured a rice cake and two cloves of raw chopped garlic with honey. Now I would like to go back there and breathe on the guy! Just kidding.

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