Saturday, September 01, 2012

more random reading in the library...

To the left, Daredevils of Sassoun. Armenian folktales? Beautiful women and heroes bartering for them. A father granting the hero permission to give two kisses to his daughter. A woman slapping a man for kissing her between her breasts. A guy breaking his wife's rib for her insubordination. An illegitimate son defeating his father in combat and then they wind up being friends.

Okay, enough of that one....

To the right, The Adrian Mole Diaries:

"Thursday March 11-- Pandora and Pandora's mother have joined my mother's woman's group. No men or boys are allowed in our front room. My father had to be in charge of the creche in our diningroom.

Rick Lemon's baby daughter Herod was crawling under the table shouting: 'Tit! Tit!' My father kept telling Herod to shut up until I explained that Tit was Herod's mother's name. Herod is a very radical baby who never eats sweets and stays up until 2 a.m.

My father says that women ought to be home cooking. He said it in a whisper so that he wouldn't be karate-chopped to death."

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