Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Stages of life....

Big paperback Little House on the Prairie was the bunk bed in upstate New York portion, but maybe the bed was not bunked.
I'm Down was actually read quite recently as an adult but some of it sort of seems to harken back to Renton around 1986-ish. In actuality, the whole Little House series and some Shel Silverstein (A Light In the Attic?) was some of what was read.
Captives of Time was sometime between 1989-1991 on a long stay in Monterey.
REALLY wonder what compelled Malcolm Bosse to write that book. Wish he were around to ask.
Spark played as background music for at least a portion of this post.
Hmmm, found myself reading about Scott O'Dell as Tear In Your Hand (but it was off Tales of A Librarian) played.
"Scott O'Dell's ashes were scattered over the Pacific Ocean off La Jolla, California. When the ceremony was completed, the boat turned back toward shore. At that moment, a pod of dolphins burst from the water. Forming an honor guard, they leaped and played, escorting the boat of mourners. The dolphins did not leave until the boat entered San Diego Bay."

That's beautiful.

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