Tuesday, June 07, 2011


Idea for a graphic project based on something that annoys me:
So, there's this one thing that happens sometimes that truly annoys me.
It truly has annoyed me when this person says stuff that goes like, I'm super great because I, like, hacked away at granite while other people were, like working for four hours in a library.
Um, so tiresome, this comparision. I don't know why I have subjected myself to watching it or hearing it. It's soooooooooooooooooooootiiiiiirrreeeesome.

Tire some.
tire some
tire tire tire tire tire

Tiresome. Like still having to pay off credit card interest on tires I had to buy years ago when all my tires blew out for some reason.

Therefore the graphic artist idea is...whenever this comparison and this phrase floats out of the mouth of the one saying it, what happens is, a BIG FAT KNIFE comes out and STABS THE BIG BLOCKY LETTERS of that boring, boring, boring comparison....

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