Friday, June 03, 2011

Oh song

It's like I got it in my head from somewhere and need to hear it to get anything done today.
Gimme Shelter Rolling Stones
There's one with army/marines stuff: Gimme Shelter
There's a school project about the war in Vietnam: Gimme Shelter
Perilous, removed, different, same.
Once not long ago I visited an exhibit about flight, and the person I was with pointed out a picture of military jets. He'd seen some flying over a place where he was gathered with family members once, and they all thought they looked cool.
"Did you ever see one of those flying in real life?"
"Yeah, maybe. It seems like I might have, but I don't know."
"You don't remember?"
"For some reason, no. It seems like I could have, but I always feel like I'm not as impressed by that stuff, and maybe even if I see something like that, I unconciously don't bother to remember it. I wonder if it's too much bitterness about military stuff interfering with my life, or something. "
"But couldn't you just admire it for what it is?"
"Sure. I could even point and say, look isn't it cool, how it's designed. But that doesn't mean I could fool my brain into thinking it was important enough to bother to remember it."
It was a strange little conversation.

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