Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Things about Homer

"Are U Ready?"
A tasty BBQ place in Missouri is advertised by those words on a sign alongside Rt. 44. The interior is decorated with religious art and airplanes fashioned out of old soda pop cans. The owner had a Saudi Arabian son-in-law once. "Ah love 'im." He also has a Jewish doctor who keeps a kosher household. He has preached the word of Jesus to both and probably to most if not all of his patrons. He has served BBQ to people from all over the world, including various government officials, a guy from National Geographic, a large (something like 50 youths) gospel choir, and a haughty French official, who came in with some friends and became offended when, after asking for a Jack Daniels, was told that he wouldn't be served "that slop." The friends thought it was funny but he refused to order. Homer brought him some taters anyway.
He has a grandson from the Phillipines who told him that the reason why the page used to go blank when he tried to read it was because he got brain damage when he began drinking alcohol at an extremely young age.
That was before he found the Lord.
He invited us to Bible study and offered to buy me and the bellisimo friend a marriage license. Quote from J's FB note: "I expected at some point he might ask if we we had accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord, (MY EDIT: "personal Lord and Savior!") but Homer is sharper than that, and zeroed in on a more significant point. Probably noting we didn't have rings on our fingers, he asked 'Y'all are married, right?'"
Ah, Homer. Introducing me to a new/old slang term, either it was "shackjob" or "shackmoll," I can't remember which. (Kindly was mentioned without being directed at me, of course!) I could do without the lecture, but otherwise he was a real nice guy. And we even got a free dessert.
Another account about Homer can be found in someone's older blog entry here.

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