Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hallo, K. A.!

I feel like I am rediscovering an artist...I'm thinking about sending some links about Keren Ann to some people, like maybe to friends who went with me on a trip where we visited Melville's house, and Salem, and we stayed at a bed and breakfast across the street from Emily Dickinson's house, and one of them drew a pentacle in the sand on the beach at Walden Pond. Brrr, it was co-o-o-old. I was thinking about the Nolita CD, because I a little bit missed my sojourn in upstate NY, especially the last part of it in a particularly hot upstairs apartment (oh NY, you are so extreme in temperatures) where I listened to songs such as Chelsea Burns, Greatest You Can Find, One Day Without, Nolita and For You And I.
Burn the Witch is intriguing.
I just watched a song called "Not Going Anywhere." Video. Performance.
I watched Where No Endings End after this Ailleurs video (which especially charmed me at the beginning of it.) Okay, linky, linky, linky, that's enough...I was really in the mood to drink tea at the beginning of this post, but now I just want to drink a very tall glass of water and go to sleep.

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