Monday, April 14, 2008

mewsic (& other...)

So, Bob Dylan won a prize! Hmmm. Cool. Thats another artist whose music used to come through my wall in that apartment next to a bar in upstate NY. The one that I used to actually wait for the patrons to play was Color My World, though...Anyway, I digress...Over the fall, I went and saw the I He I'm Her Not Here (didn't the words do something like that in the very beginning of I'm Not There?) movie--which was actually released on my birthday, I found out later. One of the things I thought was, "Wow, I never really listened to the lyrics of Like A Rolling Stone before," and another thing I thought was, "there are a lot of songs in this movie I'm not that familiar with!" But I guessed that some of my old friends whose parents were more into his music would already know most of them. I have a Vashon Island memory of pulling giant horsetail weeds out of a hillside I used to live on (my friend and I were weeding it for my mother's ex-boyfriend) and listening to the Beatles and Bob Dylan blaring out of the open windows of the living room. Later, he informed us that we'd blown out the speakers. Thus, I learned that electronic equipment could be delicate.

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