Tuesday, May 30, 2006

pobrecito gatito

Well, my almost 19 year old cat is sick. He has been behaving strangely lately. He does this thing after he eats where he puts both paws up and hits himself in the face. He did it a whole bunch after he got back in his carrier after he got examined by the vet. Its a very painful thing to watch. He's got ulcers and they think he has a tumor around his jaw. He's going in for a biopsy on Thursday if the bloodwork says its okay for a cat that old to go under anesthesia. So tonight, I fed him baby food. I coated a painkiller pill with butter, and I filled an eyedropper with fluid, that is the antibiotic, and I got both of those down his throat. He struggled but there is no biting or anything, he's being very good about taking his medicine, actually. I was pleased with myself I managed to do these things while seemingly inflicting a minimal amount of trauma.

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