Wednesday, September 08, 2004

School Days

Written in the early afternoon

Today, after lecture, a fellow T.A. came up to me and conveyed an unofficial message from someone in the department that I should not give the professor any contact information. Because apparently, in the past, at some point, he "stalked" some people. (Female T.A.s)

I'm getting fed up with this B.S.

Written in the evening

You want to know how it feels to keep being told that now you to have to work for a guy who has "a long history of sexual harrassment"? I'll tell you how it feels. It sucks. My feelings range from depression (gee, if he's so untrustworthy, why did they put me there???) to wanting to lob grapefruits at all the people telling me so (rage is preferable to feeling powerless. And then, the grapefruit tastes so much sweeter!) I'm really tired of being treated like the virgin on the edge of the volcano, about to be pushed. And now, I feel like avoiding my school. I'm really disenchanted with academia. Well I hope he's happy, because his past indiscretions are forcing me to go through a lot of extra stressful shit right now. GRATUITOUS GUILT TRIP. >:-(
Actually though, I will note, he hasn't said hardly a word to me.

Human beings are very sad.


Came home, ate soup on the couch, felt MUCH better. RELAXED.

"I think our livingroom feels like a church."

My roommate says, "I love it when you drink wine."

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