Saturday, September 04, 2004

Good idea

I went to the bookstore but as soon as I got there, I couldn't go in. So instead, I took a nap in the car. My conclusion is: I am depressed.

Look. Stability in life is a nice thing. But when your parents (uh, parent and stepparent) are getting divorced, (yes even though I'm grown up it still bothers me) and your teaching assignment suddenly gets switched and everyone keeps "warning" you about the professor ("but he has it together since he quit drinking") and you don't have any other women to T.A. with, and then you have to teach a book all about suicide (which in this case, unfortunately, is dredging up some really unpleasant memories I'd rather not deal with at the moment) then I'm sorry but STABILITY is not quite happening here! I had a dream that I was supposed to run a marathon and people kept handing me things to put on the tables to give to the marathon runners, and I was so weighted down with stuff that I couldn't run it. So, my temporary solution is: moving around bedroom furniture. Well, that is better, I guess. For now! Feng Shui may be the answer. It seems like whenever I'm in school there is always some sort of conflict. I'm seriously tempted to become a massage therapist or ballroom dance instructor or something.

One more thing: I really think that ABSENT FATHERS should NOT FOOL THEMSELVES. I met the son of the guy who wrote We Were Soldiers Once And Young. A very creative kid. When I met him at a hippie-ish wedding in Virginia, he was dressed as a Care Bear. He doesn't have such a good relationship w/ his dad. My point is, success career wise and family wise may not always go hand in hand. However, I would really like to think that they can.

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