Sunday, August 21, 2022

UPDATE on the SATURDAY NIGHT LIBRARY book before going back to the other entertainment

So the doctor who performed the operation really messed up...

"Jason had obviously recovered from the shock of his mistake, since he ran through his usual repertoire of off-color jokes while we waited. The nurses did a good job laughing and appearing to love his jokes this time as much as they had the last time..."

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 179-180

"I couldn't believe this was happening. this was just about as bad as the time I witnessed one of the Stanford OBs give a woman an episiotomy after she delivered, so as not to deprive her husband of the pleasure of a tightened up vagina."

~ L. Mehl-Madrona,  Coyote Medicine pg 169-170


"'Seventeen minutes!' proclaimed the timekeeper. 'It's a new record for a Cesarean.'"

"'That should be good enough to beat Poirot!' Jason said gleefully. And it was...Jason sat at least another seventeen minutes in front of his locker, bragging to anyone who would listen about his new record, counting and recounting his twenties. He speculated that his new record might be a standard that would last 'as long as the game is played. I'm the Babe Ruth of obstetrics," he crowed, 'the Mickey Mantle of the OR.'"

~ L. Mehl-Madrona, Coyote Medicine, page 171 - 172).

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