Saturday, February 29, 2020

Check me out it said, and



THE quote hunter mode cometh

Has x met any stubborn people lately

What in x's great well of emotional complexity would x be willing to share next

Saturday Evening Reading

Sensitive Soul Leap Day

A change in living situation is a thing to adjust to, and that's the truth. The room across the hall is eerily quiet. Sometimes, when the world seemed gloomy, I used to feel a sense of relief to hear the roommate laughing at a show. It was a nice reminder the world can have humor!!!

You get used to things.

Immerse yourself in nature

It's a good thing to do.

Or that guy

He says he knows it's not good and just but he acts as if it would be if something that never happened to him occurred.

Ever felt like that?

What would it be like to live life as the nice guy who assumes the world will be good and just?

Have seen, heard and experienced

“To air that dirty laundry is seen as this kind of ethnic betrayal. ‘Don’t share these things about our community. We’re all trying so hard to make it in American society. Don’t create or enforce any types of stereotypes about us,’” she said. “I think that does further silence women’s voices at the cost of saving face for the ethnic community.”

~ R. Chiu, K. Yam

Even after years had passed




"Bankrupt Boy Scouts May Need To Sell Norman Rockwell Art..."

Early 2020 peak moments in communication with other humans

It was more like:

Being on hold for an hour and getting cut off after a garbled connection but nevertheless having a patient and decent exchange with the DPSS customer service agent anyway!

It was not so much like:

Reading more vomitriol on twitter.

Maybe someone should do this

"If I had a TV show, I would get on a plane and find the least insured, most precariously cared-for person in America. And I would profile their health situation in detail, because, with a virus like this in play, their health situation is basically yours."

Already heard about incomes slashed by coronavirus / low enrollments in 2020


So many books on this "Serfs of Academe" list

Where even is the time to read them (when there are so many shows to watch?)

Hope to see a hawk again soon

I hear other types of birds out there.
Good time to learn bird calls maybe.

Oh human stuff.

In the sky yesterday!!!!

  • Noticed a hawk circling while chatting with a friend / coworker 
  • Stranger walking by stopped to see what we were looking at and admired the bird
  • He said, "Nice" and "You guys have good eyes!"

Okay, just this one, then a better focus

X didn't really care about rampant inequality so much

But then what happened

The humans and their brains

Good luck (really) if you read Dr. K. Borysenko's opinion piece:

"After Attending a Trump Rally, I Realized Democrats Are Not Ready For 2020"

A brain can wonder if that person who made excuses for X (X = fill in the famous media figure who got excused for sexism or harrassment or even assault) is really all that different from the average Trump supporter.

"I was such a tall human last time"

One of our kittens is a bit of a drama queen

CEOs r ahften tahl

Fir sum reesun


"Woody" / Twitter

I needed a break

Isn't it old ernow

But it's still out there

"You're my angel..."

Kids loved this song

And adults


Friday, February 28, 2020

You really have to redirect your life

If you have a body like this.

O Palma Christi and other remedies

Oh I am gonna return to my healthy state now. Come on. It's called giving energy to what you love.

Bye bye, old ways

You have your genetics and your life and you can respect both of these things and accept your time on Earth is also for pursuit of joy and that is really good.

I love you, stomach.

Thank you for helping me in this life.

Okay going back to my body now

I am sorry body.

Sorry if I ate the wrong thing.

Or paid attention to something that made you ill.

I am going to get back to health.

You deserve a better life.

You really do.

Sigh, guys

Just really

hoping for better

I have been thinking about this place I have never seen

Pueblo, Colorado

It's getting so much better!

What if all this was coming out after I got laid off in the mid-2000s and watched movies for months...

Saint Francis, All the Bright Places, Queen Sono, Devs, Unstoppable & more...

Very straightforward headlines

"Ronan Farrow Lauds #MeToo After Verdict: 'There Are Harvey Weinsteins Everywhere"

"I think it's important to remember the Harvey Weinstein story was crucial not just because of the specifics of this case but because there are Harvey Weinsteins everywhere, because these kinds of abuses of power are endemic, including in a lot of settings where you don't have marquee names to carry it into the headlines."

~Farrow, M. L. Kelly

"Ronan Farrow regrets not challenging Woody Allen sooner"

"I was for many years one of the people around a victim of sexual assault, saying ‘Why bother coming forward more? What will it achieve? It’s just going to bring shame and trouble, and he’s a powerful guy,'” Farrow told Colbert.

As it happens, Farrow’s statement to Colbert isn’t the first time he has admitted his former resistance to his sister coming forward.

In a powerful 2016 guest column for the Hollywood Reporter, “My Father, Woody Allen, and the Danger of Questions Unasked,” the former MSNBC host described how his father’s PR machine 'revved into action' after Dylan decided to write about her experience in a 2014 open letter."

~ Farrow, M. Ross

A great way to win trust to own up to previous errors in judgment instead of pretending they never occurred

Now digesting...

As a Chef and a Woman, I Regret Joining the Boys’ Club - Eater

28 Pie Charts That Show Female Representation in Food - Eater

I Am a Restaurant Owner. Why Aren’t My Peers As Disgusted By Sexism As I Am? - Eater

🌸 It really was a beautiful interaction! 🌸

With DPSS (the second customer service agent was helpful after getting cut off from the first one) and total wait time on the phone was more than an hour but patience paid off and stuff got at home instead of having to go into the local office and wait in line, Yyyesssss!!!! Thank you, Universe.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

O casserole

♡ veggie chorizo and mashed potato ♡

This will be repeated with the rest of that boring barley vegetable dish very soon!!!

You star.

Please take care of your health


Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being are all connected.

You can do it.

Water and soap


We know people deserve better.

Unhealthy Patriarchal Mindset

Whatever it is that makes Candace Owens disrespect Rashida Tlaib and support the Corrupt Abuser occupying the Oval Office.

Another feature of an unhealthy mindset

is extreme denial.

X reads about Harvey and feels reassured by the thought: No way am I anything like that sicko. X breathes a sigh of relief

Wondered how x could improve the karmic situation

Sexism, denial, greed, & needlessly lousy treatment of others continued unhealthy behavior patterns based on fear, selfishness & insecurity. Was x's childhood filled with messages that people are untrustworthy so x must be a jerk to others in order to survive?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The moon is over the tree!

It's a big world out there

Who even thinks of this

kim. on Twitter: "this dog literally failed every single test thrown at him to become a service dog and i am scream laughing. but imho he’s still a very very good boy." / Twitter

More girls are skateboarding

WholesomeMemes on Twitter: "long read but very wholesome : )" / Twitter

It looks fun sometimes

Natalie on Twitter: "I am excited to announce that I did not get the job!" / Twitter


But what a wonderful picture

Reminders are endless

"'Mercy' Singer Duffy Said She Was Raped And Held Captive"

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


"Resurrection Pie"

Oooh... the kitchen...

Sooooo many recipes for barley Shepherd's Pie!!!!

Yes, in 2020

"It shouldn’t take 100+ voices to speak out & expose a rapist. moving forward, I hope this number isn’t the standard for survivors being listened to in order for our cases investigated. 100+ survivors should be considered an unchecked pandemic of what is rape culture. #Weinstein"

A list for all the humans: pollination & more

"Why we need birds far more than they need us"

Monday, February 24, 2020

Peace is now


Let it go

After buying multiple 3 lb. bags of ice to try to save food from a power outage 2morrow and getting a headache

That's enough

You can buy food later

It will be okay

There are better places

"A Garden Grows on Lampedusa - Open Society Foundations"

Too much pretending too much of the time

Unhealthy Systems: if you just pretend with us, you'll fit in with us and get $$$.

Imagine in the 1st quarter of the 21st century

That life and the internet has brought so many reminders...

Who What When Where Why How

that yes, so many humans on this planet deserve so much better, but how will the needed change ever happen if society continuously turns away or won't even acknowledge the problems to begin with?

Sunday, February 23, 2020

A dream that made me curious

I was exploring the bodies of water and the country. It was almost a place like Mammoth Lakes, or the Finger Lakes...Well, it was intriguing to me. Alongside the road, a dog (very friendly) ran up to me. I had questions for the owner about how to find out more about this place...soon we realized we were related and had not seen one another since childhood. Now it seems to echo another dream I had years ago. I was just flying over the country then, looking at houses and landscapes, & feeling as if the flyover happened because my grandfather has passed. So now, I have curiosity. And the internet...

Music, Music, Music, Pictures!

What is visible

"Eastern Kentucky Is Underwater, but You Probably Didn’t Notice"

If you are on Earth, you need a home, right?

Earth challenges

Home obstacles

And the the not-very-wise, overly moneyed, destructive men who are creating more messes for everyone else to clean up.

I have not tried either of these yet

I was thinking about pairing them.



"How The Aliso Canyon Gas Leak Helped Create An Open Space Preserve"

A house can be a character

According to this short review

of a book I might want to read

What? Where did that come from.

Have you ever been like a child for moment

Fun people
It would be
a lot to juggle
so many

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Must revisit before supper


🎵 I want to know things ðŸŽµ

Dinnertime radio

And it's not St. Patrick's Day yet! But

"It's a brimful of Asha..."

Are you only 20 and working behind the hot potato bar and did that cool new friend of yours (you don't even know how much of the future you're gonna share with him but you save leftover pizza slices so he can have something to eat besides quesadillas at his boarding house) just pull the plastic tray out from the cereal dispenser to fill his bowl with Lucky Charms...

Friday, February 21, 2020

& Hmmmm

"The New Movies & Shows On Netflix This Week Include An America Ferrera Series"


"Netflix's 'Gentefied' Trailer Teases America Ferrera's Immigrant Family Comedy"

Ha ha

"Is West Covina A Real Place? 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' Brings Some TV Magic To Its Setting"

Might have to check this out sometime

Because of the locale.

"The Orpheum’s lobby also played host to fun set pieces from the show, with props like a “Serrano’s” banner for Greg’s family’s Italian restaurant and a “Ye Towne of West Covina” sign from the Beauty and the Beast-styled “Where’s Rebecca Bunch?” number. #CrazyExGirlfriend" / Twitter



The Sexy Getting Medley Song (Live) - The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Concert - YouTube

I miss the clouds, and I can't wait til evening gets longer



It's a POV type of thing

"Rotunno’s outlook centers on herself. Everyone is responsible for their own outcomes, until she is criticized by another very smart attorney. Then, and only then, can she spot a victim!"

~ J. Summers


ZZ: Of course they weren't empowering large swathes of the population or making children any safer, but from their point of view, they were coming from a place of love.

Zz:: How's that?

ZZ: Well, it felt like what they really loved was pretending in order to protect themselves from a lot of the things they needed to be addressing...


Zz: Why did grandrelative make excuses for sex crimes so much. I mean, come on. How was that good for anybody.

ZZ: This grandrelative did but that one didn't. People were taught to do that and found it difficult to create a new way. It was very common in those days.

She book...and she tree!!!

The Nature Fix ~ F. Williams



She is coming back

Mother Nature is getting me to feel better! In spite of all the noise. What a noisy part of the U.S. this can be. Freeways and flying machines. But omg. Shows.

Like a bird or no

Regurgitating for the little ones.
Or maybe just for himself.

Ah. Maybe he is ruminant.

But have you ever felt so mad

You could just...puke.
I bet soldier of pain has!
That's why he has to play "suck my dick" and open all four doors to his car to get it out.
He is expelling all his icky feelings.
And nature will recycle them!
Nature will make him feel clean!

Clouds are gorgeous too

Sad soldier of pain had a girlfriend once

He really did!


Oh, some nice guys

I see them playing catch. One of them has a baby strapped on the front of him. That is interesting. Is he throwing only? Might observe for a bit.

Ah, nature!!!!

Other Relatives Who Pretend A Lot

"I can join the pretend-a-lot club. I learned from others."

I hope soldier of pain finds a sanctuary

Like a church for selfish assholes to scream and pray in. What fucking day.

Well, soldier of pain

You did look at the ground, and you may have moved on to something better by now.

One chapter could be

"Dads who pretend idolizing a sexual predator wasn't that bad" but there are too many other possibilities. Thanks, man in the parking lot of the park, for the musical reminder.

Dads Who Pretend A Lot could be a club

So many could be members.
Pretend pretend pretend pretend pretend.
Really some prominent people in society would have no problem joining.

Well unfortunately he did that

One very unhappy man pulled into a parking space, opened all his doors, and blasted a song where the dude was commanding someone to "suck his dick." He wants to make the world feel as shitty as he does for some reason. He was a jerk. He got out and sat a few feet away and looked at the ground. Good, some part of him has a conscience. That is your wounded brother, blasting all his insecurity and anger out at a park so everyone else has to hear it. Maybe he turned the music down now. Or maybe he still is blasting it. How would I know? I left. Maybe he will volunteer to help the less fortunate someday for a change of scenery.

How about a tree

Great and fluffy

What is winning today

The importance of pancreatic enzymes and better dental care maybe?

Poor old lady


I want to heal
My tooth should heal
The helicopter should leave
My queasiness should dissipate
My overall well-being should improve
Praise me for having the courage to be here
Breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe

The planet really needs healing in so many places

Including here

Maybe we need more

Peace and forgiveness and love and healing the sick

Healing the sick

Isn't that what earth needs

Maybe it does

Really need to feel better soon.

This is so sad.
Will a shower help.
Help me heal my body and my whole being.

Universe, please bring me balance

I know I deserve to feel a thousand times better than I do.

Universe, help me out

My body does not feel well.
My teeth might need more healing.
Everything might need more healing.

Maybe helicopters could go away tho

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Taking time to think about some things

I live with someone who had only good experiences when he was part of the boy scouts and I am so glad, but we know it hasn't been that way for everyone.

Sadly 2020 it was

"Survivors need not apply here" Huh? "Abusers more welcome than ridiculously high expectations for respect and safety" What ? "No special needs folks per the patriarchy" Seriously? "If you had been born in a different body, we would find so much in common"

This was so 80s music


"The Oral History of ‘San Junipero’:  How Black Mirror made its most hopeful story"

More articulate than many in 2020

"At the same time the scouting organization formally sought bankruptcy protection, its national chair Jim Turley released a statement.
'On behalf of myself and the entire Scouting community: I am sorry. I am devastated that there were times in the past when we failed the very children we were supposed to protect,' Turley wrote."
~ E. Morrison

Attorney who wrote op-ed about Boy Scouts...

"Boy Scouts bankruptcy a warning to others who have ignored sexual abuse"

He seems very different from Rotunno.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

So. mid 🎶 after. Noon!

Silliest old post-dental work remembering being young & later working at a restaurant song ðŸŽ¶

She has a script in her head

"On the podcast, Rotunno was asked whether she herself had ever been sexually assaulted.

'No, I have not,' she said, 'because I would never put myself in that position.'"

~ C. Francescani

I know it's more money

"As a practical matter, it’s not surprising that Rotunno would choose to make her living representing men accused of sexual assault."

~ C. Cauterucci

But really?

One of those survival techniques

The 12-year-old girl was telling her friend "I have no brains at all." Except she has a brain, and it told her she should say things like that about herself. Maybe a good older brother figure will come along and fix that self-esteem problem. Or maybe a smart and successful woman will Victorianly steer her towards the right beneficiary...

Monday, February 17, 2020

There is GOOD in the world


I want to know

"what you're thinking"

Worth reading!

I read this when I was 10 or 12, around the same time I first tried English Tea in British Columbia (Victoria)

There was a pussy hat cake

In RALEIGH? this year.


Way less jarring than the vagina and uterus cakes, imo.

Can you imagine being up there

With the helpful guides and guardian angels.
Planning your next incarnation on earth.

"Oh please. Please make the planet as feminist as possible."

Why is one of the "W" questions...

"Holding signs and chanting, the marchers demanded justice following the death last month of 16-year-old Selena Not Afraid, whose body was found near an I-90 rest stop three weeks after she went missing following a New Year's party. Her cause of death was ruled exposure, but authorities are continuing to investigate.

Why do the families and friends keep marching?"

~ Z. Zandora

"Marchers in Hardin demand answers about missing and murdered indigenous women"

Reincarnation exists in nature.

Reincarnation is a lot about hope. And change. If things were not so great before, reincarnation provides new opportunities to do things better next time.

There is plenty of room to grow in the universe.

Other stories

A rally

A symposium

President's Day 2020: you type "indigenous women" into the search engine

It's all stories about people being missing and murdered.

A recently posted article:

It is messed up.

Ideological $$$ cuts

"this budget will make America sicker, poorer, hungrier and less safe."

~ B. Shore

Percentages & rhetoric

And "ideological differences"

Maybe next President's Day

We could NOT have a RAPE CULTURE ENABLER in the office.

What a strange thing to benefit from

"Robach asked Rotunno 'Do you think Harvey Weinstein hired you because you're a woman?"

Has she ever met Mackey?

She said...she said...

"Rotunno pointed out...Mann explained..."

The Weinstein Trial and the Myth of the Perfect Victim

"In the courtroom, Rotunno pointed out that before the first alleged assault, Mann had willingly entered Weinstein’s hotel room, and that when he asked her to massage him she had agreed. Mann explained that she didn’t want to offend the producer. 'You didn’t want to offend him because you wanted what he had to offer!' Rotunno said, to which Mann responded, 'He had a lot of power.' 'And you liked that power!' Rotunno pounced. This time, Mann responded a bit slowly, almost as one does to a child. 'It was in my best interest not to hurt myself,' she said. 'But I didn’t want to massage him.' This back-and-forth seemed to distill the sick logic of the Weinstein affair. A woman is often expected to participate in flirtatious exchanges with a powerful man in order to advance her career. But if the man later assaults her, her previous interactions with him are used as evidence that she was asking for it—that she should have known that being in for a penny also necessarily meant being in for a pound. The whole thing was so cruel that I found myself inwardly cheering when Mann appeared to hold her own against the attorneys, making clear that her behavior was not a justification for assault."

~ N. Fry

What people do when they know they deserve better

"Daniela, 33, chanted and covered her face with a green bandana. 'I am here to support because I too have lived through abuse,' she said. 'The laws just don't work.'

Felicitas Roque, 57, tells CNN she has two daughters ages 20 and 22. She's a local of this community and says the situation is worrisome especially with her daughters living on their own.

But while she demands the government be more vigilant, she says it's the people and community that have to educate the children and teach men to respect women."

~ N. Gallón

She's here for you, too

You know
your sister returns as your brother
your brother comes back
as your sister...

Sunday, February 16, 2020

This herb is ♡y

Shepherd's Purse

Angels. Really.

Angels. That was some breeze!
You know, I can find Bond's Born online?

A h H a

I have things!
That poor but happy thing?
(Why did I read Sara Crewe.)
Raggedy skirt.
Holes in bedspread.
But still warm enough.
Well fed enough.
Loving the breeze enough.
Weirdly peaceful again.
I believe in you, angels.

Knowing some things

You want to be safe
You want mountains
You want a comforter
You want a cool breeze
You want the night
You want the light
You want a good book
Things can happen
Good things

If you want to make a room feel really different

Leave a window open and walk away and forget how long you let the breeze in until you come back.

Presidents do enervating things

I don't know how to explain why they should be better. Like, they are probably gonna have to reincarnate into a whole 'nother life in an entirely different body just to figure it. But they could figure it out in this one. Other dudes have managed to do so.

Air ~ Cherry Blossom Girl  (Non censurée) ~ more bad stuff happening well that's in there for a reason of course

There is cake on the internet.

Oh, one of those raindrop cakes again.


What and when and where

The future sees the irony I suppose

How adhering to unhealthy patriarchal ideals and being soft on violence against women was cruel to all of society, including children and many men as well.






I didn't know lilacs were edible.

Uplifting words at the end!

"But moving forward, how do we as a culture heal the sickness that is the root of this? It’s gotten so much worse, the normalization of rape. It’s a worldwide epidemic and sickness and it’s horrendous. The more we shed light on it, the more we can expose this horrendous darkness that has taken over. We have a man who was able to say those words [“grab them by the pussy”] and become the president of the United States. It’s way bigger than any of us ever imagined.

For me, I really want to celebrate and honor the good men that are out there. This is not a witch-hunt. There are incredible men who are feminists who stand beside us. There are great men who we invite to be our allies."

~ R. Arquette

she said he said stuff

well maybe

there will be better decisions made in the future

Really no idea that was happening on Friday

On Valentine's Day 2020, women were splashing red paint on the National Palace to protest their president's insensitive comments.

Just realized that this is a lot about those people

You know the ones

who didn't used to be allowed to do X

without Y's permission

That wasn't very long ago.

For Valentine's Day 2020

"Thousands of people posted or shared pictures of flowers, rainbows and animals, using hashtags such as #IngridEscamilla and #IngridFotos.
“You deserve to be remembered for who you were, not what they did to you,” said Twitter user @itsamonbebe, who posted nature pictures."

" On Friday, Valentine’s Day, dozens of women tossed red paint and sprayed graffiti on the front entrance of the National Palace, the president’s home and office. They insisted López Obrador apologize for his remark and demanded an end to impunity. Less than 10 percent of femicides in Mexico are solved. “Today we are all Ingrid Escamilla,” one protester told journalists, speaking on the condition of anonymity to stress the collective action. Nineteen states and Mexico City have declared gender violence alerts, which impose emergency measures and are also aimed at raising awareness."

~ M. B. Sheridan & G. Martinez

Sometimes an x might ask xself

"Have I been insensitive?
Could I been more sensitive?
Could I have done better?"

20 excuses to eat coke for breakfast

I mean rape cult/U R

I mean


The excusers and the enablers are all invited

Cake will be served.

How opinionated

"But it is not just the Republican Party. Examples of enabling and excusing sexual misconduct elsewhere abound. The military has promoted officers who rape while drumming out their female victims. Colleges and universities have looked the other way at serial sexual assault, particularly when committed by athletes and professors. Even in those rare instances when victims file criminal charges, judges often deliver unreasonably lenient sentences, sending the message that these crimes are just not all that serious."

~ M. Landis Dauber

"As a society, we have to acknowledge that successful sexual assault–successful, that is, from the perspective of perpetrator—isn’t a one-man job. It needs a crowd of excusers, enablers, and minimizers to ensure that the assault doesn’t end badly for the perpetrator, even if the victim complains. In the various institutions of American society, men (and it is almost always men) who commit sexual assault have mostly been able to count on that crowd of enablers. That has been particularly true of privileged men like Trump."

~ M. Landis Dauber


Why would you want to work with someone who would've treated you better if you were someone who abused others. Like, boring old you they either don't want, or want to push around. But reinvent yourself as a human with a big bank account and a predilection for lying and abuse? Oooh, now that is really something worthy of deification.

Sometimes not so quiet

"It's the cops! It's the judges! It's the system! It's the president!"

"In Turkey, where Reuters reports 440 women were murdered by men last year, protests center on femicide. In Brazil, women added the lyrics 'Marielle is present. Her killer is a friend of our president,' a reference to Rio de Janeiro city council member Marielle Franco, whose 2018 murder became a symbol of resistance to dominant political forces in the country."

~ R. Minutaglio


So quiet

"RAPID CITY, S.D. — Today the Red Ribbon Skirt Society hosted a day of remembrance at the Racing Magpie in Rapid City for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Children and Two-Spirited people."

She's doing something

Kellyanne is finding her inner feminist.

After all, it is only a stomachache

"Lest you scoff, look at the numbers. There are nearly 300,000 sexual assaults in the U.S. every year, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, and less than 100,000 of them are reported to the police. Why? Because too many women have been taught that it's somehow their fault, and that the system is stacked against them." ~ C. Taylor

What was that stomach? Anyways, it could be from gluten

Or it could be mere experience.

From "Dear Dads: This is what..."

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Crunchy boule toast with olive oil and herbs de Provence

Crunchy bouley toast avec olive oil et herbs de Provence
Crunchy Bouley!
Bouley! Crunchy!
Herbys de Provency!
Et sel rose de l'himalaya





Where does your brain go

The Family: Sorry! from The Carol Burnett Show


 So. Central Rain (I’m Sorry) (R.E.M. 80’s Ukulele Cover) ~ erivel


Temporary Tooth Crowns Can't Crochet



To do taxes or not to to taxes

"Just because a door opens does not mean you need to go through it. A door does not represent infinite possibilities."

~ Mrs. M's Dad

Dystopian Saturday Snark (Sorry)

Once again wondering how come more of the great great grandpersons didn't do more to fix this situation with the environment. 

Well, they were doing good in other ways...

But the early days 

of social media were

full of distractions


Thursday, February 13, 2020

There will be tree birds

And tree buds. "The next few weeks are going to be very exciting" said the man who photographs trees.


Running into the man who photographs trees on a sunny afternoon.
Actually, walking behind him at a distance and thinking, I this the guy...

When you are both in the vicinity of the tree and the first meeting, he turns around and waves because he remembers you too.

Curiosity feels good




Early childhood curiosity...

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Hearing it in my head

"Don't go back..."

Strange paper flowers

Getting a weirdly nostalgic feeling, as one might get from lovingly going through an old relative's photos in an attic.

But I have only been reviewing my own life.

I feel so quiet. I love it. I treasure these moments of peace and relative painlessness.

Noisy intrusions are not entirely absent. Yet I am calm. Did I finally eat properly enough? Are the chemicals in my body balanced?

It is ashwagandha?

Am I going in the best direction by doing whatever this unexpectedly peaceful gratitude exercise?

Is an angel or good presence lending support.

What if I catalogued all the most peaceful moments of this life just to appreciate them.

I love them.

Photos, people, red dresses, a bridge, signs

"A Nlaka’pamux supporter brushes snow off of a red dress, as she waits for police on Feb. 8. Photo: Amber Bracken / The Narwhal"

(Reconciliation sign behind her.)


"Unist’ot’en camp founder and spokesperson, Freda Huson, said the Unist’ot’en camp is located 66 kilometres from the infamous Highway of Tears, notorious for its connection to the disappearance and murder of Indigenous women in B.C., many of whom she knew personally. 'Some of them are family, extended family, cousins and children. The latest one was our cousin’s daughter-in-law, left a one-year-old baby behind,' Huson told The Narwhal. Photo: Amber Bracken / The Narwhal"

She needs cheesy uplifting tunes

Like a Herman's Hermits cover

"Something Tells Me"

by A. Criswell

Red dresses again


"RCMP’s dastardly defiling of reconciliation on Wet’suwet’en lands cannot be undone"| The Star

"As Wet’suwet’en matriarchs stood holding a ceremony on a bridge that leads to lands Canada covets, red dresses fluttered in the breeze in honour of the missing and murdered women, girls and two-spirit people. RCMP officers arrested the women and other land defenders. Then they set about removing the dresses, Unist’ot’en Camp said on Twitter."

~ S. Paradkar


How is your child my child

My inner child

Someone else wrote an intersting piece

🎵 Palma Christi 🎵

Repeat words to the tune of "Silver Bells" ðŸŽµ

U. Need To Calm Down

U: None of them could do any of what they do if they hadn't had a nice comfy uterus to get them here first.

U: And now they won't fund hardly any medical research to help what was once their home!

U: So disrespectful.

God sees

The girls and women with castor oil packs on their stomachs and mushy ginger in their mouths.

"Self-compassion in chronic pain sufferers..."

Aw. Humans can be sweet.

What bizarre dreams

In one, I fainted after ordering an extra piece of pie. In another, a group of mostly older women pieced together video footage of my life that condemned me for not being calm and docile enough and eating too much candy. They showed it to me in a small viewing area with a crowd of about 50 people.

The body needs sleep.

Older women in dreams can have bizarre judgments of the behavior of younger woman.

Stay away from sugar.

I have been avoiding stuff but still have cramps so I need other stuff.

Stretch. Breathe.

My body needs extra help and care

So tired.
Dealing with early am pain.
Bless the heating pad.

Dietary changes help but other changes are needed too.

Ah, help me listen

She may be channeled through any human of any gender on the planet

Pets can also bring her to those in need

She heals humans, animals, all life

She is universal mother energy

This energy is more than happy to bring extra compassion for the ailing and grieving

She helps
She is patient
She brings peace
and steadfast love to the planet

Monday, February 10, 2020

Thank you, compassionate dads

Thank you for helping

Both those who have gone onto their next adventure

And those who are still living

Some of them may come back in different bodies, I believe

Worthy of respect in either body

Wake up. Sleep well.

Humans on this planet deserve better.

Life doesn't need to be a bad re-play of highschool. We didn't have "rape culture" or "MeToo#" movement but there were lots of hurting people and excuses made for abusive behavior back then.

"Making sexual assault victims hide their grief is disposing of people"

It seems that some industries are still too slow to change, as of 2020. The continued vibe is so untrustworthy and unhealthy for the majority, who are not put on special pedestals of privilege, that it really can make one sick to witness those old unsustainable patterns get repeated.

"So many amazing people included in the In Memoriam segment so for the Oscars to begin and end it with two reputed rapists is quite a choice"

Humans on this planet deserve better. Including abusive people who have caused great harm and who may have been abused themselves. Abusers deserve to heal and reform, instead of having large crowds make excuses for them out of all too human patterns of fear and denial and seeking relief with temporary, shortlived gratification.

Sunday, February 09, 2020

Peace is out there

In sleep
In dreams
Flying gently over mountains

It travels

"The song seems to help unlock things that were buried."

~ G. Hinsliff

Sometimes humans break things

Into pieces

Question about a special issue


"Men Who Advocate for Others in the Workplace Face Backlash"

How will this happen

anytime soon?

Ailing mouth but good enough eyes to see a CUTE cat

"Cat learns she has ears"

I dont want to be with people who are like that.

I don't want adult life to be like high school.

Too many unreliable boys making rape jokes, sexually harassing girls and probably each other.

Roomfuls of young women afraid of the "f"-word, too repressed and terrified of censure to stand up for themselves.

Universal mom brings out the heating pad

For some reason I am so tired.
Like, look at that ball of laundry.
It's time to listen to your body.
Heating pad time.

Mom. Tasty!

City of Love ♡ A universal mother energy...

The universe did that

Wow. She looks great!

"Oscars 2020: America Ferrera Says Her Look Was Inspired by Her Ancestors"

I never would have thought I'd feel something like "serenity" from looking at a pregnant celebrity recalling her warrior ancestors on a day when I have been having my own health challenges, but the surprising thing is, somewhere inside, I really feel good.

Today's pain-propelled question

How can I alter my diet a lot to function much better?






RIP, woman I had not heard of until today

"A petite Iranian woman stands before a roomful of hundreds of experts in an Egyptian auditorium, wearing a flowing purple dress her mother sewed for her. International delegates at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity summit listen quietly.

Ghanimat Azhdari takes a deep breath, quelling her nerves, and then she begins."

~ J. Thompson

Red dresses, a highway

"B.C. failed to consider links between ‘man camps,’ violence against Indigenous women, Wet’suwe’ten argue"

Brain of a girlchild

When her female relatives have been subjected to violence in multiple ways (sexual assault, stabbing, held at gunpoint, psychological aggressions and disrespectful treatment on the basis of being female)

Brain: Wow, this violence against women stuff is really a problem and part of women being discriminated against as a whole in society. 

Pretty photos and good feelings

One time I met a very nice and intelligent fellow who became a loving dad to daughters. Paradoxically, this loving father  also became incredibly hostile in any  conversation about abuse or assault, to the point of a vibe that was very victim-shaming and blaming. It was like, what happened to you? Clearly you are not the one there for women when the chips are down. I hope your kids have other resources to help them if they are ever affected by violence happening to them or to any of their friends. Comfort zone stuff can be eye-opening.

Saturday, February 08, 2020

She sought solace (& knowledge) in the library!

"Opinion: I Don't Want To Be The Strong Female Lead" by B. Marling

Libraries are great...

&&& seeing one life as part of a web of lives

It is hopefully possible that evolution & forgiveness & progress can unfold & yet it has truly been very painful to witness the ripple effects of violence which hurt women & children & yes men too in the long run.

Reading of lives you could never replicate

This was good, and it reminded me

many years ago, a librarian recommended one about a traveler who chased birds and ate catfood

May look for it again

Humans can get better

"Frischmannová, courageous and patient, sought a different strategy: She found her voice and testified to her assault, even though her story was long deemed unsuitable for inclusion in Holocaust history. Yet she spoke out repeatedly until someone listened. It is my belief that we need to take evidence of sexual violence seriously, and not treat it as marginal to the stories we tell. This not only makes for better understanding of the Holocaust; it is the most ethical approach to the genocide."

~ Anna Hájková

"The Holocaust Is Having a #MeToo Moment – Tablet Magazine"

Do better, society of 2020

Why is this still excusable to most people?

"This video of Snoop threatening @GayleKing is disgusting"

And then he gets to hang out with Ellen and Martha Stewart on TV almost immediately like it's nothing.

Time to heal from trauma

You know when you know.

Too Me Too

Tolerating physical violence, emotional abuse, threats, harrassment / putting a minuscule portion of the population on a pedestal while treating the majority as second class citizens

She is in need of more healing.

This mouth is suffering this morning.

Friday, February 07, 2020

I saw a sister

She was wearing a habit. Nuns...they need dental care just like us. It occurs to me to wonder if there any who are like this guy, who I just discovered in the last five minutes.