Monday, October 20, 2014





How to serenade an ace bandage...

Ankle Wrap


Friday, October 17, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014

presque trop commercials

for any extremely unexpected fans....

Special day

Kitties may have caused schizophrenia???

Goddess-y or not so much....

I went to look up some mythical figures, recently. I did it after I went on a binge of watching comedy sketches. I did it after watching a comedy sketch called Pretentious Hotel. I know ppl say "don't read the comments," but unfortunately I did, and they reminded me of this article:   I did not originally find that one on my own. I found it because a man turned to me and with a sick look on his face, said, "I am ashamed of my gender." (What? Why? He has no need to be! He is such a good guy!) He told me what he had been reading. I tried to be optimistic with both of us. I told him of survivor stories I'd read recently, of people who have made strives to reclaim mental health and have a positive outlooks on life. I told him he can't let it get him down. It was nice to be in this position. That is, in the position of the one trying to cheer someone else up, and not in the position of the one who is traumatized and losing her mind...anyways, we got through it. The days went by, and then yesterday he recommended I watch some funny stuff and I did, and then I started clicking around on other funny stuff, and that's how I wound up searching for something I thought might exist called a "Helen of Troy complex" (I still wonder if HD was critiquing it). The man I know who was traumatized by the article looked up some baseball stats and started to feel better. That's cool. It's not the same as what I would do, but at least there's something. I don't believe anyone should walk around feeling bad about who or what they were born as. Helen of Troy complex is just named as being a structure for softball, but Cassandra is the one who has the complex. Several of them, actually...

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

gardening & laundry

Had thought to watch a movie or even Portlandia....

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Could be a giant book mark?

Water Goddess by Wendy Andrew banner

"This Folk Art hanging of the Water Goddess is beautifully printed on a heavy weight cotton based fabric. With a wooden dowel top and bottom. It measures 400mm x 1250mm. Perfect to hang on a door or wall."  ~


while recovering from some attention-getting mid section pain, realizing that the castor oil, working it's Edgar Cayce-esque magic on various tissues, lymph tubules & whatnot may have soaked through the ratty t-shirt to the soft heating pad cover this time...noooo!!!!...if only a yogurt company would endorse themselves via a female artist needlepointing something profound about the reason certain trees get those scars that look like eyes (enticing advertising for women for one)...and if only this recommended oil was a little differently fragranced??? well, that's okay...

Where did this come from?

Potassium helps

That is a very attractive album cover.

Saturday, October 04, 2014

replacement wish maybe

///this, for too-scratched-to-listen-to-the-last-two-songs Scarlet's Walk CD///





(sugar?) it's weird to indulge in self-deception and then the half of a rum-and-coke and a few minutes of watching a movie trigger a's truly a medical mystery....

Friday, October 03, 2014

various & sundry

Beautifully lazy Friday....


"CannibalAnn 324 points
OP, please post results in 20 years. Thank you in advance." 



Cat Power ~ Cross Bones Style

Washed Out ~ Eyes Be Closed

Twin Sister ~ Milk & Honey


Anything can be a mnemonic time I was trying to figure out how to remember melaleuca linariifolia vs. melaleuca quinquenervia and the q one just made me think of a person, so I was like, oh why not...later I was in a group of people getting acquainted with these plants. The latter has a hard yet spongy trunk that peels off in swathes of bark-paper...a person in the group said "it's like touching Rocky Balboa!" And then we were asked if we were ready to move on and some of the group chorused "Noooo!" They liked this tree...(Later I had a dream that I was in a dance class for a little girl...a fine dancer was going to teach it and I had asked an adult male director to be in it. But he had to wear the dance class uniform. I asked what he was wearing. It was a big t-shirt and tights. I started to sort of snicker and then he was going to leave but I said "no! please stay!" And what do you know, he did. So there we were waiting for the dance teacher to teach us and this little girl a dance class, but I was afraid they were getting bored. Adult male person started saying some gibberish that sort of made sense. I asked him what it was and he said it was the language of Max. Max referred to a grandfather figure. I said, "Wow, here I am with a genius who makes up languages," and went to the bathroom. While I was in there, a female secretary called in to me. She said the dance class was being ruined by a priest who kept interrupting it all the time to say mass. I went out of the bathroom. The director was gone and the little girl was standing with her mother. I asked, had she enjoyed the dance class. She said no, she had not enjoyed it. Alas, a softly disappointing ending...)