Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Maybe this could be good.

"Although some poor girls said mean things about me, I decided to act like girls and women deserve human rights anyways -- lol!"

Just playing.

"Melinda French Gates Announces $1 Billion Grant..."


I wonder why my cat is so nice?


"Indie Nile"


I'd cry more about that, too. Emotional development is healthy.

Some Dad is like "I can't believe that all these people I thought really liked me are gonna be so mean to me when I come back in the wrong kind of body," and I agree, that is really sad. It's really sad! It's almost sad enough to make you feel sick! What can be done to make it better?

Their behaviors! They would be so different!

"If only the lifestyles of Certain Dads or Moms weren't quite so reliant on such a misogynistic economy, they wouldn't still be repeating the old patterns of 'This Rich Guy Who Got Trained to Act Like He Just Doesn't Care About Your Human Rights is still our number one gateway to surviving another day of Patriarchal Nonsense.' Right?"

Now, what could this be about?

"International Day of Action for Women’s Health 2024"


Is he acting in his best interest? Who else is doing that?

"Donald Trump Falls Silent Before Major Supreme Court Ruling"


Huh, this is an interesting perspective and makes me think of that World War II show "World on Fire"

"LONDON — Social media, the 24-hour news cycle, and cellphones notwithstanding, Americans often find it hard to be interested in the world beyond our borders.

Unless, of course, people that don’t look or sound like us are actually crossing our borders; then, we pay attention.

But while the horrors of Gaza have grabbed the attention especially of young people, the U.S. feels comfortably distant from the horrors of the rest of the planet.

We have our own horrors, thank you very much.

But here in Britain, you don’t have the luxury of ignoring what’s going on in other countries.

The distance from Kyiv to the south coast of England is about 1,200 miles, which sounds like a lot until you consider that’s not even Tallahassee to Boston — and those two towns are in the same country.

But should Putin prevail in Ukraine, he could get tanks to Warsaw in less than 10 days. Then to Berlin in less than two days.

Then on to the shores of the North Sea where, on a clear day, you can see the White Cliffs of Dover.

Everyone in Britain understands that if Putin were to strike a NATO nation, there would be a war, and it would be fought on European soil."

~ Diane Roberts 

"Florida's trying to ignore obvious threats; they're closer to hand in Britain"


Get more creative & imaginative; that will help.

I still have no idea why they're gonna be treated worse as varying kinds of girls and women by people like you when they come back to another reality, but I can see how some would say your shallow self-rescue really lacks ooomph.


"International Day of Action for Women’s Health, annually celebrated on May 28, serves as a reminder that women have the fundamental right to live a healthy and happy life, free from abuse, discrimination, and violations of their rights."


They say he acts like a bully 'cause his parents didn't love him enough, but

A fairer view would point out that he acts like a bully because his Patriarchal Culture didn't love him enough.

Too hard, man. Maybe another time.

"How to hang out with me and not think about 'Maid' on Netflix."

It almost sounds like empirical experience that $ can't buy.

“'What I went through was barbaric and didn’t have to happen,' says Zurawski."

~ Terri Russell

"Women denied abortion speak of the dangers"


"Zurawski says she was thrilled to be pregnant after undergoing infertility treatment.

But at 18 weeks she began to miscarry..."

~ Terri Russell

"Women denied abortion speak of the dangers"


That also sounds like a sorry situation to have to death with.

"If I don't repeat their patterns, my parents will act like I'm just as worthless to them as an orphan from Gaza."

"That's why I don't take your health situation too seriously."

"If I'm not really mean like they are, my shallow, abusive, insecure, narcissistic parents who are deeply afraid of being emotionally abandoned to the point of even more toxic insensitivity than you can fathom will seriously totally disown me."

Is it fair to say she may have more opportunities to become MEANER now?

"I am not the same person #shorts #marriedlife #couple"


California is pretty. Human rights are important. Are you better off renting?

"California Housing Affordability Tracker (April 2024)"


They are $0 silly.

"Utah moms at parade of homes"

~ Jessica and her friend Jane Williamson 


Oh really? Even if she's more well off with her inheritance?

“As shocking as it is to contemplate, my 1-year-old granddaughter may grow up with fewer rights than I had.”

"Melinda French Gates commits $1B to advance women..."


Is that today? Happy I'm on top of taking my black currant oil.

"International Day of Action for Women’s Health 2024"


Rich dads save themselves in their next incarnations

"Melinda French Gates to Donate $1 Billion to Groups Supporting Women, Abortion Rights

Philanthropist discloses her first major donations since saying she would resign from the Gates Foundation"


An addictions counselor might know?

Who knows why bullying makes you or some other people feel better about life, apparently? 

Who knows why the more sensitivity-challenged, violent and selfish men of the Patriarchy are still some of your preferred choices?

Don't wait around all century for that.

The anti-Bob Hopes of your culture aren't gonna be able to help your kind until they get a lot more motivated to help themselves.

Is this good for your real estate agent friends?

"Priced out of home ownership - 'It makes me want to throw up'"


Here's a lack of affordable housing; there's a bunch of babies being born into poverty

Coalition of children and spouses of Patriarchal bullies explain why these things just make them want to dig in their heels and be even MEANER to the less fortunate!

That'd be nicer to all the grandchildren.

"We'll make up for our narcissistic tendencies by donating to reproductive rights organizations and funding orphanages, either right before we die, or in the next lifetime."

No fair, why is that still their favorite self-indulgence?

"Really addicted to binging on 'How to get the most fortunate ones to not only act like I am far more important than everyone else, but to also act as if I deserve to have more fun by being an insecure, insensitive bully to the 'non-important ones.'"

"Also, it is much kinder to children."

Financial guru explains to self-absorbed, abusive, patriarchal jerks who are still addicted to acting like insensitive bullies why it's never too late to change and to start acting like you actually do care about human rights for x types of people. 

Monday, May 27, 2024


"Excerpt from pg. 92 in my book, Recovery Through Poetry"

~ Bernadette Kirwan


I am SO tired.

I think some people still act like little butts even though they're getting up there in years because they lacked affection in their childhoods. Wow! Now it could be up to a 40% to 60% chance of having ability to meet them on their stolen lands. That's probably too much, better get to backpedaling.

I'm thinking of going back to a simpler state of mind via time travel.

girl in red - "Too Much (Official Video)"


I will have fun times sushi and karaoke and bring this song back with me because I heard it on the radio today and I thought "that's an interesting one." 


"I am worth more to the violent bigots with more money than some children."

So, what's the good news for the landowners with more money who paid for this?

"Israel-Gaza war: At least 45, including 23 women, children and elderly, killed as Israel strikes tent city in Rafah assault

Strikes could hinder talks towards a truce and hostage release deal, Qatar says"


I see. Appeal to their senses more.

"Kicking Israel Out of FIFA Could Help End the Gaza War"


No, I do not.

Do you think "agape" means rich, entitled white men are more important, and therefore more empowered to inflict violence on other humans, and to get away with inflicting violence on others, and to be excused and even celebrated for inflicting that violence on other people?

I think there's a reason you're addicted to bullying and are having a hard time getting to step one of Step 12.

I don't think you are around very many people who really love you. And the reason why I say that is because I can tell that if you were in a different body, they would treat you like you're a worthless piece of trash. Because that's how they treat other human beings. Because they're bigots.

So pricey.

This doll says "How come the patriarchy wants to make excuses for you treating girls and women like they're pieces of trash?? How come you find girls and women who make excuses for you when you do so?? Why are money and shallow comforts more important to you than human rights??"

If Great One perished in the latest unfortunate mishap

Perhaps the next incarnation will happen in an American Doll (sorry, I mean) Girl Cafe?

Why can't your money at least pay for real therapy?

"Israel-Gaza live updates: Netanyahu calls strike on Rafah that killed 50 a 'tragic mishap'

France condemned the attack calling for an immediate cease-fire."


This afternoon, I'm going to have a hot dog and a hamburger.

Out-of-wedlock deceased Great Grandpas' ghosts everywhere support this decision.

Too bad about societal sexism and genocidal behaviors' persistence

IT'S THE 2020s NOW.

"New Laws Haven’t Slowed Abortions, and They’re Costing Lives"


"'No longer justifiable’: Israel faces international condemnation for strike in Rafah"


Still haunted by...a Plethora!

You can't say I was only haunted by one particular kind of ghost, Henry Higgins.

"My Fair Lady has its problems but I still idolise Eliza Doolittle"


"Why Three Amigos Still Holds Up Decades Later" 


Hmmm. I see trauma.

I watched it twice, and I'm still disturbed. 

"This military dad brought me to tears"

~ The Magic Show


Humanity needs advances in psychology, maybe.

Something to keep in mind. If you're having a cookout. Today.

I still don't find it fair that my body wants to give me worse menstrual cramps at certain times of the month if I want to eat hotdogs and hamburgers on buns.

Oh, are people godsipping again?

"'Yes,’ Sabet agrees, ‘there are forces. I think they are benevolent.’ She says that in some ways ‘the house has been the third character in our relationship’."

~ Clare Conway 

"As the Rolling Stones release their new hit Scarlet, the song’s writer – Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page – and his girlfriend Scarlett Sabet welcome Tatler to their Gothic castle"


Well, some would say it's not fair 

"Possession" written and performed by Scarlett Sabet


to compare

Sarah McLachlan - "Possession"


But I dunno, god...

"'It's about evoking feelings in people,' says rock photographer Scarlet Page"


I think 

"KipShots on X: 'Jimmy Page, 79, introduces girlfri...'"


that's one of the creepiest pictures yet...

"One of my favorite memories from Late Night is when Chris Robinson helped me use the Masturbating Bear to prank Jimmy Page." -Conan.


Life is this body is better again.

It's been better since those pains faded away ten minutes ago.

Dear healing blessed universe...

The cramps are back. It is harsh. I am sorry if less than optimal eating habits brought back these miserable pains. But I have some tools.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

I actually feel pretty good.

What if this is the magic of the black currant seed oil and the ginger and the castor oil pack combined with a little bit of the good healing music. 

I almost wonder why I've ever let anything upset me. Almost wonder why I didn't just accept what I went through, because maybe I was supposed to feel certain things and know more about about certain kinds of experiences, and accept the isolation it brought and those feelings, instead of making it even more painful by chewing on my fingers and shirt, but it was from the feeling of not having an outlet for that kind of pain. But what if I could just accept that pain as a learning experience?

This is such an interesting feeling, of doing a good job at getting myself into a healing space. It's almost like I gave myself a spa treatment.

I should relax and watch an NDE video.

Some cramps have been like NDEs for some people. And I may become all about angels and healing energies soon. What if that's me? What if everything else was a phase...

Okay I did eat too much bread but I swear I am recovering faster!

"STOP MENSTRUAL CRAMPS - Luna's Touch" - Pain Relief Music Therapy

~ Brainwave Music


I want menstrual cramp representation in cinema.

Just staring up at the ceiling with this music.

Took 1 large black currant oil capsule and chewed on some raw ginger I put in tea and applied my version of a castor oil pack with a heating pad.

I think they went away much faster for sure!

This is amazing, to me!

Humans need to have fun and tap into creativity more.

I think they have some skills at making human troubles feel more upbeat...haha!!!!

"I'm Looking Through You" (Remastered 2009)

~ The Beatles 


It's funny.

Things I've Been Silent About by Azar Nafisi | Goodreads


I think pages 206 - 208 would make such good scenes in a film!




Potential is boundless.

Nevertheless, when it becomes clear that certain "successful" people still feel the need to trauma/rage dump like entitled lords, it's probably indicating that they need help from other sources, and in the meantime, they probably will not be the ones who will know how to assist you.

This is what they watched in my time.

Annie 1982- "Maybe"│ LYRICS


Tomorrow, the moor will

Joke about how funny it is that you both don't care about your daughters' civil rights!


Know how to have coffee with human beings and respect them.

Road trips to Dearborn could be another opportunity?

Oh wait, she lives in Texas. She probably knows that's a very bad state to be a woman in right now.

"get to know me while I paint a bookshelf"

~ gabschase


Talia Jane ❤️‍🔥 on X: "Your tax dollars and tuition pay for this. Your politicians tell you this is a right to self defense. Your police departments violently arrest you for demanding it stop."


Take your black currant oil while it's still available!

How to act like you may be on your way up to becoming an honorary entitled Lord of the Manor, too?

Imagine if the patriarchy truly cared about women's health!

Imagine how much better off financially a nice man I live with who has been working full-time since the 90s would be if I had just discovered black currant oil many, many years earlier! Maybe could have gotten a little condo or something.

So far, no more cramps today! Got some work done, too.Thanks, black currant oil!

"Bernie Sanders on X: 'This is what a Trump presidency and 'leaving abortion up to the states' would look like:

Up to 10 years in jail in Louisiana for possession of misoprostol, a safe and effective drug used to treat miscarriages and terminate pregnancy."


Oh, just remembered I gotta read "H is for Hawk"

"California eagles brought baby hawk to their nest..."


"H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald" | Goodreads


I guess some dads just don't care. But others might! Hopefully.

"Ron DeSantis’ anti-climate plans take a ludicrous turn in Florida

Florida is uniquely vulnerable to the climate crisis. Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and his allies have approved an aggressively anti-climate law anyway."


Ooooo, just remembered 𓏢

Wanting to learn more about the harp when I was a kid.

"Nordic harp: like Celtic, but with its own twist -freshen your repertoire! (with Erik Ask-Upmark)

~ Diana Rowan


Your Neurodivergence is showing again.

Provocative sodas made by the same company?

Not Seekola & Orthodox Jooce

"If the Nazi’s during World War II knew that one could be born Jewish in one lifetime and Christian in another, the Holocaust could never have happened. Similarly, when Muslim Palestinians realize that then can be reborn as Israeli Jews, when Sunni’s know they can reincarnate as Shiites, Christians understand they can be reborn into an Islamic culture and vice versa, then conflict based on these cultural differences of identity will be mitigated.

Barbro Karlen’s case dramatically demonstrates how reincarnation research and evidence of reincarnation can transform the world in a positive way."

Article from Born Again, by Walter Semkiw, MD


I just find reincarnation to be a very interesting concept.

Have you made sure that none of your grandchildren are going to be in the "worthless to the society according to the company you choose to keep" category based on your personal preferences?

Do you think moms are better at addressing internalized misogyny or dads.

I wouldn't assume either way...There's a lot of stuff going on.

I feel the mood is somber but Memorial Day is tomorrow?

How's everyone who's alive but apparently too worthless to society to be good at acting positive on Facebook or LinkedIn doing today?? Do you think any military guys have reincarnated into any other kind of being at any point in time in the history of the universe??

Keep your senses o' humor about ya's; look at them!

A day without...

Maybe maybe maybe


All the rich golfers getting the most upvotes on that one site. Lol!

"A Day Without a Mexican" - Trailer


I'll probably have to try golf now.

"A Good Walk Spoiled" — Revisionist History


The courses are pretty! Well-man-tained. Some of them are nice for the wildlife, I hear?

Perhaps it's just too much for some people.

All those "neurodivergent" and "ability challenged" and "not so heteronormative" people the grandkids of the future could know how to be much nicer to than what got role modeled for them?

Painful cramps are back this morning.

Today I will be diligent with the black currant oil and other things like ginger and magnesium.

Pain has a way of giving you a direct message that your job is to take care of yourself and not get so affected by others' behavioral patterns.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

It seems like black currant oil is keeping some things (like pains) at a distance, altho not entirely, as I do still feel twinges

It seems like my consciousness was open to experiencing some of what other people learned in other times, as if maybe that was part of me, too.

It seems like this song is one for me to listen to again.

"I'll Be Back (Remastered 2009)"

~ The Beatles


It was something like this one, but it was later in the '80s or in the early '90s.

I remember the masthead.

A Magazine of Ideas!

"Issue 98 | The Sun Magazine"


Maybe it was one of these.


I would bet $ (just a little)

"The Sun Magazine"


One of my mom's spiritual friends used to read this publication, too, as part of her Interest in Literary Stuff, and she also watched PBS a lot. What is "The Sun Magazine" about these days... Should I have brought more friends to see her? The ones that came with me from college and visited her one time liked her. Did a drum circle in her basement. She had messages to give, and one of them cried.

Oh no what is it

"Saw The Eclipse And Aurora? Now Comes A Third Once in a Lifetime Event"


I sat next to the car / SpaceX guy on a plane and defied death by getting my ghost friend to help the pilot land us safely in Memphis and I think at some point I  told him I was going to try to eat more beans to loose weight. I have no idea what he's supposed to do with his life. Maybe try to make it better and evolve as a human being.

Formative experiences!!!

I really miss living on an island in the Pacific Northwest when I was at a certain age, and my mother had her friends who were so into spirituality and environmentalism and being independent, and I was so much more idealistic in that place, where it was like, both rural and liberal...man. I miss it. A lot.

At the same time, now I am older and I can find out more things from the internet and books, and I have really worked through some trauma since I lived there. I am more educated, and a stronger person in some ways, now. 

I certainly feel like am a much larger one, tonight. Lol.

I feel like I could roll out of a bed like a ball and down the hallway and just roll... I don't want to feel this way. I want to feel healthier. Let's get healthier, healthier. Let's not let the tendonitis make us too sedentary... That's trying to sing along to "Let's get Physical" which was around constantly as an exercise song in a 1980s childhood. 

That aerobics exercise culture they fed to us during the 1980s was quite allergy-inducing, really.

When I feel like moving, I will fix myself some lemon water.

I think I have this incredible need to detox. Maybe will drink celery juice again soon.

My lower back hurts and it's almost like that takes the place of what cramps were in the past. 

I know I have not been eating well over the last few months. I think the black currant oil and some other stuff like choline has been helping.

I wonder if thinking too much about deprived people who suffer is not good for eating habits at times.

Oh my God...I feel like I feel like I just have to detox and, like, drink celery juice and watermelon for a day, or something.

How about old golf courses.

"A Good Walk Spoiled" — Revisionist History — Malcolm Gladwell


Know of any old golf courses that could get bought and turned into green burial places / nature preserves / picnic areas?

Too much green & yellow.

It's meant for someone else. But it'd be a cool air bnb or museum!

814 E High Ave, Redlands, CA 92374 | MLS #EV240014


Hehe, dad humor!

"Oh, here's a girl."

"Millennials can’t afford their own lives, let alone children || Motherhood in Progress"



There's a commenter who speaks well of Germany.

"Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury'"



"Morgan Spurlock Dead: 'Super Size Me' Director Was 53"


A more feminist upbringing awaits?

That dude. Looks like his dad!

Different though!

"Millennials can’t afford their own lives, let alone children || Motherhood in Progress"



"My mom was traumatized by all that."

"Millennials can’t afford their own lives, let alone children || Motherhood in Progress"



An interesting chart about THIS ERA


"Millennials can’t afford their own lives, let alone children || Motherhood in Progress"



Ooooo, stop.

Itsa chart!

"Millennials can’t afford their own lives, let alone children || Motherhood in Progress"



Which ERA would be the best ONE to learn more about TODAY?!?


"Two A-Holes in a Live Nativity Scene" - SNL


This is not the first time I've had this thought. ⏳🛤️🏡🛣️🌁🌆🏙️🧭🗺️🏞️🐚🏖️

I wonder if I should just start giving more obvious attention to the kinds of homes it looks like would be fun to live in, and then, just see what happens over the course of the next year or so?

In YOUR BODY 🧠🦿💅🏼👁️🫥🪆🎨🥋🩰🏆🤳🏾

Which types of behaviors are considered to be THE MOST acceptable (in this lifetime) for YOU? 

Do you ever notice how society is getting more and more share-y

Like, it's just not stopping. 

"#pov Food ASMR 😳 #shorts ##youtubeshorts"



Possibly, that's part of the reason why people don't say things like "That's so gay!" as an insult now, compared to a few decades ago.

"#pov Being Bisexual #shorts #lgbtqia #youtubeshorts"




"#pov raised by cats #shorts #comedy"



Cat wants to enjoy the outdoor space

It's very wet & gray out there. Feels like I could be up north in the Pacific NW today...or maybe even in the British Isles! Time for tea.

50 Years of Music: 2004 - Blonde Redhead - "Equus"


I got an old song in my head. Off to play it, and to play with a kitty.

Blonde Redhead - "Equus"


Caturday is off to a rather tart start! 😹

"Kids today, I swear.

Standing around on college lawns, protesting against genocide, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to arms shipments — what are they thinking? These students should be shopping, getting wasted at end-of-semester parties, and engaging in meaningless sex.

Instead, they’re going around acting like citizens, engaging in civil disobedience, exercising their right to free speech, telling university administrations to get rid of all investments in Israel, and demanding humanitarian aid for Palestinians.

Don’t they know protests are unnecessary pointless, and annoying?

Look at the civil rights nonsense in the 1950s and 1960s: Sure, the March on Washington, the Freedom Rides, and that business in Selma bullied the federal government into letting Black people sit in the front of the bus and even vote, but was it really worth all the discomfort it caused the nice White People Who Built America?

If only that Martin Luther King fellow hadn’t been so impatient. I’m sure we would have gotten around to giving minorities some rights. Eventually."

~ Diane Roberts


It does sound like he had a lot of energy and curiosity.

"Graham would be the first to acknowledge his privilege: His older brother, Philip, became the publisher and owner of the Washington Post as well as a confidant of John F. Kennedy; Philip’s wife, Katharine, oversaw the paper when it broke the Watergate stories; his other brother, Bill, helmed the Graham Cos., which built Miami Lakes, Florida’s first “new town.”

Yet he was fascinated by lives very different from his own. Maybe this was the impetus behind his famous “workdays” — that and first-rate campaign instincts. Graham bussed tables, picked tomatoes, hefted garbage cans, bellhopped, cleared brush, taught school, packed fish, cut hair, flew planes, and set up rigging and camera equipment as a grip on the 1983 Burt Reynolds movie 'Stick.'

He understood regular people because he talked to them all the time; he understood regular jobs because he did them — more than 400 of them.

In 2010, five years after he’d retired from the Senate, he decided he wanted to see my office at FSU before we went to lunch. God knows why: The Williams Building is not exactly an architectural masterpiece.

I met him in the university guest parking lot, and what should have been a two-minute walk to my office took more like 45 minutes. He stopped every student and professor we encountered. Some of them knew who he was; some (undergraduates who weren’t born when he served as governor) hadn’t a clue. He didn’t care: He interviewed each one. Where are you from? What are you majoring in? What are you teaching? Why did you choose FSU? What are you reading?"

~ Diane Roberts


It is quite painful to consider.

That some people are failing their fellow humans and faring poorly in spite of their materialistic advantages.

When some people, including some who are parents, are still acting like they don't think that certain kinds of humans or human rights matter, just because a select few amongst the Patriarchal people benefit more from going along with that mindset in the short term....

Who can truly believe that's good enough for all kinds of people in society to be an adequately acceptable long term strategy?

Of course, not everyone can get equally rewarded for acting like the men with money are the most important ones in a Patriarchal Society.

"Misogyny is not a bug, it’s a feature of America’s blooming love affair with authoritarianism."

~ Diane Roberts

"We all thought women’s rights were a done deal. We were wrong"


Of course, not all kinds of bodies could get equally rewarded for adhering to this lifestyle.

"Pipe down!

The uber-Right keeps wishing chicks would just pipe down and accept their place in the Christian Nationalist order as good mothers and good wives, serving wenches at the masculinist feast, worker bees helping to make America 1850 again.

Some girls got the memo."

~ Diane Roberts

"We all thought women’s rights were a done deal. We were wrong"


Which kinds of bodies do the Patriarchal people think cause "all sorts of cultural problems," and why?

"We all thought women’s rights were a done deal. We were wrong."


Humanity needs more humans to know that humanity deserves better.

"Why I ran away from home"



Friday, May 24, 2024

Cat's still hanging out. Hmmm!

"Two A-Holes: This Day in SNL History"


It is so weird.

When I start watching something about a human way to deal with trauma, and my cat, who was not in the room, comes in, jumps up, and settles right next to me / on top of part of me, and starts purring super loudly.

"The Story of How I Survived Gun Violence"

~ N. Boulden


A dancing channel...

"I’d love to hear your thoughts on what might be different for you..."

~ Nurjahan Boulden


"We need representation from people who grew up with belly dance"

~ Nurjahan Boulden


"I can only hope that the tide of change is stronger than those who resist it"

~ Nurjahan Boulden


🌌🌈🫠🌑 I hope I get to see Aurora Borealis next time...🌠🌚💫🌝

"The Northern Lights came to California — but will it happen again"


A Flock Of Seagulls - "I Ran (So Far Away)" 


"Amber Waves" ~ Tori Amos


I gotta go juice up my phone...

It's getting a little darker on the West Coast, too, this Women's Studies Friday.

Horror Short Film "Slut" | Screamfest


Impressive History of Fashion moment!

"Was Cate Blanchett’s Cannes dress a pro-Palestinian protest – or an optical illusion?"


I don't wanna bleed to death. What if they outlaw black currant oil next?

I remember there was this book I read about paranoia and the war on herbal supplements, but I forgot the name of it.

Missing a marshmallow? Don't outlaw s'mores, y'all.

That picture looked like a graham cracker and a piece of chocolate! For a moment.

“The doctors I have consulted with feel this provision will not harm healthcare for women,” Pressly, a Republican, said in rebutting a letter from 270 Louisiana physicians, health care providers and medical students expressing concerns over the reclassification."

~ Piper Hudspeth Blackburn

"Louisiana is first state to classify abortion drugs as controlled dangerous substances after GOP governor signs bill into law"


I'm not saying you should treat the guys who get vasectomies as badly as you treat girls and women...

That would be just ridiculous! Wouldn't it?

"Texas doctor who said nine-year-olds can safely give birth appointed to maternal mortality committee"


"Younger Troops Got More Vasectomies After Supreme Count Struck Down Abortion Rights"


Anyways...maybe not?

"We need to make people who live in bubbles feel more powerful so we can get ourselves to feel more empowered." -- Wounded Collective

Maybe you could get more imaginative and creative, like you were when you were younger?

What makes people like this? P.S. His dad was found ALIVE.

"Three of the officers who were involved in the interrogation are still employed with the department, while a fourth has retired."

~ Emily Brown

"City has to pay $900,000 after police inflict 'psychological torture' on man"


Why don't you?

Eavesdrop on some older ladies talking about how hard it was to raise their naughty daughters...haha, you can't fool 

me, I just did!

No! Silly.

Is being not so good at helping the significantly materialistically well-off but spiritually bereft white guys on Linked In feel more content with their lot in life A CRIME?

Are reasons to get some help for those issues.

"Reasons why my civic in it other and I think my friend who sexually harassed girls in college deserves much better treatment than other kinds of people who just make us feel way more uncomfortable for some reason."

The vasectomy to non-vasectomy ratio in this room is telling me...

Which people ya want to criminalize and which ya don't.

"Younger Troops Got More Vasectomies After Supreme Count Struck Down Abortion Rights"


Land-owning Lords & Ladies.

Sometimes, I'm not even sure who needed their breads-and-circuses. I mean, the real bureaucratic head-in-the-sand nonsense, more...

That one got interesting parents this time around.

"So who do I listen to? 👀 #celticarab #arab #irish"



I rather like the musical types!

Wanna check out Cabaret someday?

"Beautiful Girls" - SNL


Did you guys ever have those talks with your significant others

...about which kinds of girls and females in this world she thinks deserve to have equity and equality and human rights? 

Because when you reincarnate as a girl in the next life, and when you meet up again (since SO is SO great), hopefully you'll be in the right kind of body, and you'll be the right kind of girl to have the kind of human rights that she thinks a female of your kind truly deserves!

Get on with it, why don't you!

What a sentence. Something to remember.


"It would have put women, who were essentially civilian war victims, on an equal footing with war-disabled soldiers."

"Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two"

DW Documentary


Compense? What is the meaning of

"Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two" 

DW Documentary 

Makes me feel curious about the next opportunity.


"Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two"

~ DW Documentary


Ah, very stubborn.

"Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two" 

~ DW Documentary 

Even before phones had an array of period apps, life could be a struggle.

"Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two"

DW Documentary


Menstrual cycles will be irregular.

And if your out-of-wedlock Grandpa's ghost REALLY wants you to eat that meatball sandwich...it's probably to get you to keep your iron levels up.

Why not?

I feel like a lot of health problems can be blamed on an out-of-wedlock Grandpa's problems, actually.

That's A LOT of out-of-wedlock Grandpas


"Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two"

DW Documentary


Well, they're getting back to work, at least.


"Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two"

DW Documentary


How little has changed! Dads do get reborn.

"Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two"

DW Documentary


Is this part of the curriculum in schools over there these days? 🇨🇵


"Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two"

DW Documentary


That's some interesting French history.


"Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two"

DW Documentary


I bet not. Actually, that's pretty clear.

Do I think this guy's black sheep aunt, who may have done a very horrible thing, went unscathed?

"My Mother, Who Hid Anne Frank, Never Could Escape..."

~ Joop Van Wijk Voskuijl


They still don't talk about this stuff at the Memorial Day Services much, but that could change.

"Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two"

~ DW Documentary


Alrighty, think you're up to the task of working through that trauma today?

"I will totally be concerned about the well-being and welfare of my grandchildren's civil rights, and perhaps even my own civil rights in my next lifetime. Just as soon as my property values increase substantially. More more more more more!"

She probably feels like she's getting high when she says stuff like this.

"Texas doctor who said nine-year-olds can safely give birth appointed to maternal mortality committee"


Afroman - "Because I Got High"


Did she think that was the best she could do?

"As that certain Grandma on that side of the family was raised to be a sexist (but sexy to some) shallow bigot when she grew up, she really needed a partner who would keep her in a comfortable bubble while also helping her figure out all the kinds of people she was supposed to be bigoted against."

Who knows how it will look in 100 years...

"Palestinian town of Jericho names street after US.Soldier..."


Doesn't look so great.

"'It’s Bisan From Gaza, Look At What U.S. Weapons Have Done"


Do you really think so???

"My dad deserves better healthcare in his next life when he's born into the kind of body that my society taught me to discredit and discount and unsee."

I wonder which churches their dads attended.

"If my dad doesn't care about sexual harassment and pregnant 9-year-olds, then neither do I."

~ Wounded Collective

"Texas doctor who said nine-year-olds can safely give birth appointed to maternal mortality committee"


"Younger Troops Got More Vasectomies After Supreme Court Struck Down Abortion Rights, Researchers Say"


Oops, paywall, accessibility issues.

Training their sons & daughters to help the less fortunate, I think?

"Meet the suburban moms helping Arizonans get abortions in California"


Apparently, that's a man's job in some social circles.

The land-owning lord walks up to another man and says " I think your wife is the sort who is kinda sexually harass-able, and yet, she's also the kind that certain types of rich land-owning women would love to help me and my cult dehumanize, because, you see, we're a cult of rich land-owning cocaine addicts whose psychology needs those kinds of Patriarchal fixes in order to feel alive. Wait until you see what the kids who were raised with these values are gonna find amusing and entertaining."

Conservatives aren't trying to criminalize vasectomies, yet???

"Younger Troops Got More Vasectomies After Supreme Court Struck Down Abortion Rights, Researchers Say"



"Texas doctor who said nine-year-olds can safely give birth appointed to maternal mortality committee"


"Nakeenya Wilson, who nearly lost her life giving birth in Texas, sat on the committee as an outspoken community advocate, pushing for the release of data when the state health commissioner delayed publication of the report in 2022. As a voice for people of color, Wilson championed the stories of black women, who are disproportionately affected by maternal mortality rates both nationally and in Texas.

After legislation in 2023 eliminated her 'community advocate' role, Wilson applied to a different role on the committee, but did not get the job.

While Skop’s role is meant for a rural community member, she has spent her career working in San Antonio, a major Texas city. Skop, who is one of seven new appointees, will begin her six-year term on 1 June.

'As a black mother who went through a traumatic pregnancy first-hand, I think I provided that necessary lived experience and could represent my community well,' Wilson said. 'We need to ask, what community is [Skop] representing?'”

~ Mary Tuma

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Time to take care of health.

I have nothing else to say today.

Maybe will watch this later when the headache is gone.

"March 31 - Rescuers: The People Who Helped - Samuel Oliner, Ph.D"


I do not want to act like you.

I know that if you were in a different body, you would be treated far more poorly by the people you mistakenly think "are more important than others" than you're being treated now.

Rich Men who bully people are not solo operators.

My head aches, but it feels like it is not only certain rich guys who have helped traumatize other people.

By the way, the nicer people who have helped the traumatized ones may deserve better healthcare, but even the abusive rich guys do, too. 

Although they may not care to know it.

It seems to me that Conan, his wife, and others in his life who make excuses for his addictions would be more honest people if they  could explain in further detail about how being rich makes you feel entitled to be an abusive, sexist, selfish person who bullies other people.

I think Conan's wife has to become an abusive, sexist, selfish person who bullies others just to maintain a lifestyle with a man who is an abusive, sexist, selfish person who bullies others.

They are not the people who want things to change for the better, because being that way paid off for them, and now they're stuck in their own patterns. It's sad. 

They are like alcoholics who don't care that their patterns are bad for other people. They just keep finding fellow addicts to tell them whatever they're doing is fine, instead of trying to get healthier.

My body just cannot be around them as long as they keep on acting like that. 

A guy who is especially great at dehumanizing, abusing, and taking advantage of systemic inequity without caring about how it makes things worse for others gets rewarded for bullying far beyond the average person.

Otherwise, why else would that one keep on acting that way?

I kind of think he's depressed and pretending. 

Who has to be nicer to the abusive men than to others just to fit in with a lot of shallow, uncaring, dehumanizing, sexist people?

It's really not even approaching a healthy situation, at all.

Not everybody can be your selfish, sexist, enabler drug buddy who ignores others just to cater to your bottomless needy ego.

You can do better.

Casualties of Patriarchal Values 🎻🎭🪆💸⏳⚰️

I've met some guys who almost would help me but they have these great & terrible addictions they're battling. You know? Who knows how long it'll take. 

Welp, time to get some sleep. Look at the time o' morning, will you.

Gosh, just think.😭🫠🤔🧐

Some people are terribly disturbed by toxic or sexist workplaces (panic attacks! nightmares! needing to leave job or feeling like terrible danger or even death could occur! PTSD symptoms!), even more than the lack of money. 

But others are far more disturbed by the threat of the lack of money, and are not so disturbed by toxic or sexist workplaces.

What gives? 

Can such people ever coexist harmoniously and help one another?

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Come back, younger self.

I miss parts of my younger self. Where I lived, what I did, clothes I wore. The summer I was on a jury. How I used to be better about hiking (foot was happier).

Cat just opened the door...

I looked up Catcon and I remembered a friend coming out here to visit me and when I told her about going to Catcon, she thought it was really funny and she just has this certain sense of humor, and I was like I don't know, even just remembering talking to her about that is just as much fun as going to Catcon was. When can we speak again?

Where does the time go???

Moon watching tonight, somatic work tomorrow night...


There's more to the moon than the picture shows. I almost couldn't look at it too much because it would start to remind me that it has overlooked terrible things on Earth. But another part of my brain just wanted to look at it as I lay on my bed and get that more "enchanted" feeling, which is what happened when I was a child.

Sometimes when you are a child, you think things are okay, and then you find out things weren't as okay as you thought, and there's that residual trauma that you have to figure out how to process, or it will keep coming back, as if it's still recurring all the time, instead of getting stored as just a memory that you wanted to learn from so you could move onwards.

But the "enchanted by the moon" feeling is still here. "Alongside the 'terrible things have happened under this moon' feeling," an anxious voice reminds, as if not wanting to be forgotten or left behind just because it had to see and experience and acknowledge some trauma.

Beware the toxic positivity that penalizes the ones who are still processing the trauma, but don't forget about the enchanted by the moon children. Because why would you want to forget that kind of delight? Maybe that's who will become stronger and be able to help some of the traumatized ones, too, someday. Not to the extreme extent of burnout, but as a helpful and creative exercise that includes the love of their fellow human beings and living creatures, which is still alive on this planet.

Dear Universe, again.

I have had the thought that I should tell the universe that I am open to everything that is good for me and that is for the benefit of my health.

To the Universe: 

Please help me to better understand and to accept that what I am supposed to do in this life is supposed to be good for me and to be complimentary to what is good for the benefit of my health. 

Please help me to understand and accept that. 

Please help me to know that I have my own path and other people have theirs, and I will just go on my path, and I will pursue what is best for me and for the benefit of my health. 

Please help me to do that.

Thank you.

Oh well, back to the #1 life task.

It's really is like this life is just a never-ending reminder that I have to focus on my health. That reminder is always just around the corner.

Maybe that's what some other people are trying to do. 

Maybe I'll stop questioning why other people seem to be so content with stuff that I can tell is not going to be healthy for me. Why other people are just lax about sexism.

I don't know their Journey. 

I just know that I have to do what I have to do.

Maybe focusing on health is just what is the best and it will seem more and more valuable as time goes on.

Spiritual journey.

Next time on "I realized that thinking 'I'm $imply too rich for feminism and human rights, so I'll just focus on material comforts' is not actually a survival strategy that will work forever..."

Also nice...

"Cate Blanchett program announces first 11 women, trans, and nonbinary filmmakers to support"


"Cate Blanchett on Women and LGBTQ Representation in Hollywood"


Do it for yourselves!

"Cate Blanchett Wants You to Ask Men About How to Fix Sexism in Hollywood"


That really is how it is sometimes.

Their addictions are just so so so so depressing.

"one is struck"

"The images stand in stark contrast to snapshots captured by SS officer Karl Höcker around this same time. In the photos, Rudolf, Josef Mengele and other SS men stationed at Auschwitz participate in a sing-along and relax at a retreat, as well as attend official camp ceremonies. Juxtaposed with the final moments of the newly arrived Jews, the officers’ blithe enjoyment of everyday life appears both callous and eerily relatable, reminding viewers—much like The Zone of Interest does—of the Nazis’ humanity.

“Though Höcker's album does not depict any criminal or immoral actions, one is struck by [its] amorality,” notes the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on its website. Eliding the brutality of Auschwitz, the photos instead show “SS officers going about their business, socializing, enjoying the beautiful weather and mourning fallen comrades, seemingly oblivious to the magnitude of the crimes which they are either perpetrating or enabling.”

~ Meilan Solly


He even almost does, when he's around certain people.

"Lily Greenberg Call, Jewish staffer who quit Biden administration over Israel policy:

‘There are so many of us who feel this way’"


"Women in Gaza have little privacy, water or access to menstrual pads, says UN agency"


"Biden: Israel will get 'everything it needs' to fight Hamas; Gaza war is ‘not genocide’"


"Biden tells Morehouse graduates that scenes in Gaza from the Israel-Hamas war break his heart, too"


Repetitive zone.

If only they didn't remind you of Nazis again, huh?

"The Real History Behind 'The Zone of Interest'
and Rudolf Höss: Jonathan Glazer’s new film uses the Auschwitz commandant and his family as a vehicle for examining humans’ capacity for evil"


"How was no school today?"

"For Children of Gaza, War Means No School"


I doubt it.

"I have a completely rational explanation for my behavior. I really would be so much nicer to x types of people if...x types of people were so much nicer to me."

I just wonder how you're gonna treat your dad when he reincarnates as a more complicated kind of baby.

"'Abortion abolitionists' want to charge patients with murder and ban IVF'"


Why are you like that?

Can you believe you might be motivated to not treat "what's-his-name" as badly as you treat certain girls and women, for whatever strange reasons you have to actually be that way!?

Do you know why? Can you think.

I feel that if some of the "most materialistically fortunate" women and girls were actually a lot MORE feminist, it really would also help them be even nicer to the "most materialistically fortunate" men and boys, too.

You really are so fortunate.

Netanyahu of the mean dad isn't a character in a Camus story.

"ICC: Netanyahu angrily rejects move to seek his arrest"


"Benjamin Netanyahu" - Wikipedia


"The Guest" - The Atlantic


Just think.

It's those guys who turned themselves into sociopaths on purpose who had REAL DADication

"Matt Gourley Can’t Sleep" | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend 



Cabaret...someday! 🎶

This will tide one over for the summer!

"Beautiful Girls" - SNL


What if you're like, "Look..."

 "She's not cocaine."

"Maybe she's more like soda, sometimes."

Ha ha.

What if you just tell them, "She's not cocaine."

Hey, how about that idea.

"Hey, maybe that different person isn't someone we should discriminate against just because the  Patriarchal Ones told her and us that we should, and then they also gave us lots of materialistic rewards for doing so."

It's good to know these things.

"These types are acceptable to the Patriarchal Ones, whilst these other types are unacceptable, and therefore, they are far more likely to be the ones who get ignored and dehumanized" is not my favorite genre.

What kind of music does your brain want you to hear today?



Opportunities await.

Were you raised by your society to not only feel an absence of respect, but in some cases to not even actually knowledge that certain types of people exist? 

Would you like to have more humanitarian values than what was expected of you in the past?

Do you think this could happen soon, perhaps even before your next lifetime? 

Well, you're here now, and so is your chance!