Friday, April 29, 2022

On illness having an emotional component

This morning, I really didn't want to, but I threw up multiple times in the trash can next to my bed. Then I rested before I went to an online meeting where some spoke of the importance of authenticity. I am encouraged that people are making some progress, but as I reflect, I will say that I authenticly feel part of my sickness recently has been because I see people are still very stubborn. Toxicity can sometimes take the form of pretending things are okay when there's more healing needed within a lot of society. These are among the tragedies that come to mind. In the words of a father: 

"'Our daughter is dead. We're the surviving victims': rape, bullying and suicide, after a viral flood" 

Who wanted to be throwing up this morning? Not I. But I was. I was feeling very sick. I think I am hopefully getting better. Life is not always easy in a body.

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