Friday, July 12, 2019

The Numbers!

"Nearly 55% of veterans 65 and older said they believe Trump respects veterans and the military. Pew also said that male veterans are "17 percentage points more likely than their female counterparts to say Trump respects veterans a great deal (50% vs. 33%)."

Additionally, vets who served before Sept. 11, 2001 are more likely than those who served after to say that Trump administration policies have made the military stronger. That division also applies to the president's potential use of nuclear weapons.

"Pre-9/11 vets, 38% of respondents, are more likely to trust Trump when it comes to a nuclear weapons strike than those who served more recently, the report states. Younger veterans are less trusting, especially those who may have suffered from a trauma associated with a combat deployment.

Veterans who say they 'had an emotionally traumatic experience while in combat,' 27% of respondents, are less likely to trust Trump in making decisions about the use of force than are those who didn't, the researchers said."

~ O. Pawlyk

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