Sunday, August 23, 2015

Cat wish for the universe

Dear universe,

It wasn't so bad last night when we broke down and let the kitty in at 1 a.m. And when I came out later and she was contentedly grooming herself on the papasan, it put a bit of light in my heart.


I would feel much better if she seemed like she wanted to go in her own home and if they seemed like they wanted her in her home more. I hope that she and her owners will get more enjoyment out of each other. That would be nice!

Cat Deva! Can you not work some magic? I have worries. As it turns out, I'd feel better if she was in her place more...especially at night...the world has many different types of pet owners...what is best here? Light-filled well the angels of cats...and their humans...

By Jen Niles

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